Drawing Lesson / Draw Conoco light strokes, draw a vertical oval (or shape in the form of eggs). If the first attempt does not get you the desired shape, try yet, just look to the pencil lines do not become too dark. Then draw a more oval-round so that its right side in contact with the right upper "corner" has painted eggs. These figures will determine most of the skulls of Conoco.
Separating Draw a horizontal line
curve along ekvatora first oval. On this line will be located corners of the eyes. Draw another curve on it, a distance of about a quarter from the center of the oval to its top. In this line, we place the eyebrow. Then draw a vertical curve otzerkalennuyu and elongated letter "C", starting from the top of both ovals to the bottom. This line will run along the center of the face (as she looks right, the elongated line will pass very close to the edge of the face). Draw a new curve, which divides the lower face. It will be located the tip of the nose. The next curve divide what is left from the bottom, thus denoting the line of his mouth. Finally, the hairline, which is located midway between the eyebrow line and the top of the skull.
From this point forward will be a little harder.
I usually start from the edge of the person holding the line on the place, just above the eyebrows, and long-distance to the bottom of the chin. I draw a slightly curved letter "S" so that The first "dent" passed through the corners of his eyes. Then I go into an oval shape and lead the line down, bending to the left near the line, which will be the tip of the nose. I single out a few chin, holding the line right and then go on to pursue a line along the left edge of the oval, but a little smoother to give the jaw Conoco Hagen. And do not forget to add a line to the forehead (I usually paint it before drawing the hair).
anime features
What makes a person anime? Thing in common - great eyes that make the character more expressive (Disney, too, use it. The shape and size of the eye usually reflect the type of personality your character). But large eyes is not all. As in any animation, the simpler lines - the easier it is to animate, which means that different people can draw a few hundred characters times a day while one image will not differ from drugogo.Takim way, facial features are simplified, which makes them anime (at least up Karine 's more broadest sense of the word).
Draw a pointy eyebrows just above the eyebrows, which we leave for them. Remember that the eyebrow, located farther from us will be shorter and the angle more acute than in one that is closer to us. Widest part of your eyebrow is lower than thin and close to the nose. The stronger You will tilt it and move towards the eyebrows, the angrier will look Conoco. If you wish, for such a frowning glance can add a wrinkle to the forehead.
eyelashes need to draw one piece with a few scattered cilia,
classified by the direction of the base. The iris must be quite large and not
fully visible (upper eyelid closes). Conoco eyes narrow slightly, the similarity of almonds or an elongated egg
with wider edge of the outer part. Lower eyelid does not need to draw completely.
Apply a few light lines for his notation. Lower eyelid - it's a little arched
curve, the lower part of which is directed to the outer corners of eyes.
Most anime noses barely indicate the shape of the nose, and sometimes just shadow
him. For this exercise, draw a slightly curved line, from
intersection of the vertical mid-line of the face and nose and lead it to the right-up by
diagonal. This will be the lower part of the nose. Bridge starts at the same
center line just above the upper eyelid, and should not be too long.
one visible ear - inclined-C, that divides the space between the eye-direction-line and bow-guide-line, beginning with the intersection eye-guide line and the left edge (edge) of the first oval. Put the piece in moderation. Look at your own ears, or a friendly ear to decide detail to draw four lines should be enough).
Lips Lips should not be located too far from the tip of the nose. Note that vpadinka above the upper lip
also located on the center line of the face. Conoco lips are thin, especially the upper.
Well, get down to the neck. The rear part is behind the ear, front - comes from the bottom
oval in his cheek. Do not make too direct a line, otherwise it will look a little
mechanical and stiff, do not do too short - Conoco will
brutal, and if the draw is too long - it will look fragile.
And finally, the hair. The line of hair growth is not must be perfectly straight or triangular. It should look like a flat curve. Bangs slightly separated left (right up to you). The longest strand bangs should be the first or second of three right (left from you). Two strands of the left (right up to you) is shorter than the right (left of you - not yet confused?). Draw long strands of hair coming up. The back of the hair growing up and goes into the line in a smooth S, then falling down, it almost reaches the base Skull and expands again as a small C, almost reaching the base of the neck. Hair is better to draw a large mass, rather than small strands (although if you add pryadok little, it would look cool). When drawing a curving line, lead them toward you. Turn the paper to the right or left, depending on where the line goes. If you - right-hander, it can be awkward to draw a line that goes right, ie where your hand rests on the table, so turn the paper. Even better, both for right-handers and left-handed, lifted his hand from the table and draw curls movement throughout the hand. To make hair look more natural Do not forget to add a few strands going in another direction.
That's it! If you really want to draw well, practice as much as possible more!
Original article: http://oni.bungie.org/archives/drawing_kon ... awingkonoko.htm