The real fear of Hugo Chávez taken
By Gustavo Abello
Chavez is not afraid nor Americans, nor Uribe, nor a coup, or the press, or Vicky Dávila.
If anything I have something clear is that Chavez is a coward.
Every time someone passes you will be faced lion kitten in a second. When the King of Spain faced in Chile was shut his mouth when former President Saca of El Salvador confronted him publicly, they chickened out and did not attend the Ibero-American Summit of 2008, when she threatened to denounce Uribe in international courts support for terrorist groups, came docile and conciliatory to the famous meeting of the OAS in Santo Domingo in 2008.
With Sweden has not broken diplomatic relations, although they who are asking for explanations of the weapons that gave the FARC, because the Europeans respects.
I'm sure Chavez is not afraid of America because he knows full well that they will never invade. In the imaginary scenario that the U.S. desperately need Venezuelan oil, which is not the case, they would not need to invade Venezuela to get it. Chavez is selling at a price so cheap, that would be ten times more expensive to take it by force.
Not only that, Chavez does not have anyone to sell more. Believe me, as it would have if I could. Venezuela's oil is very heavy in sulfur and can only be processed in refineries specially equipped for this type of oil. And in the only country where they can process these volumes is in the U.S..
In 2001, when Chavez threatened not to sell more oil to the United States, Condoleezza Rice mocked the saying that "then you have to eat." It has not anyone else who you can sell these quantities and Venezuela is an economy totally dependent on oil. If you really want to end U.S. Chavez and his revolution, simply stop buying oil and bring him out of Iraq or its own costs.
Chavez knows that there is no single reason for an American invasion, that's an old argument that Castro was successfully used to buy weapons and use them against his own people. And Chavez is doing exactly the same.
Chavez is not afraid because he knows that Uribe is a right man who will never make the same crimes he commits.
to its own people and fear Chavez lost. The will of the Venezuelan opposition is almost bowed down and feel hopeless and powerless. And do not blame them, what those people are going is horrible. Nor will
Venezuelan army where will a coup, as Chavez is well controlled. The three powers of democracy that should be idependientes, the executive, legislative and judicial, are under his control. The fourth power is the press, is very depleted in Venezuela. Democracy in Venezuela is a mere farce.
The international press, NGOs, the United States, Europe and the wider international community, already weary of Chavez's abuses and did not even pay attention. So Chavez knows that nothing will do against him. Not afraid. If unable to Fidel Castro that was just a small island least he and his barrels of oil.
So afraid to Chavez? Why the fuss?
Unlike what many believe Chavez's petrodollars are not famous enough for the Bolivarian revolution. PDVSA is in serious difficulties. Since nationalized oil exploitation, the exhausting capacity of Venezuela has been decreasing each year. PDVSA payments are late as 8 months and many companies that provide services they are tightening the nuts to pay its arrears.
have been left without foreign investment and the future of the oil business is not so clear how Venezuela many believe. Only just read a few experts in the field to know that even with the famous reserves of the Chavez speech, have neither the money nor the technology to extract that oil.
addition, government funds can not so easily be used for illegal activities of Chavez. To send money to Correa, Zelaya, Evo, Ortega, Ollanta, Piedad Cordoba, etc. ... Chavez needs a big cash that can not be detected by traditional banking systems.
Chavez needs the cash to expand its communist movement, which derives from its alliances with drug traffickers. Let solidify this point.
The famous suitcase with the million dollars they gave to the President of Argentina in his campaign, did not come from PDVSA. It was from money laundering operations, as noted in the trial held in Miami in this regard.
General Hugo Armando Carvajal (Director of the Division of Military Intelligence) has been the only head of Military Intelligence in Latin America which the U.S. has implemented the Kingpin Act Foreign Narcotics (1999) , known as the Kingpin Act.
General Carvajal also given 11 months in the infamous "Clinton List" (the same where they find the Rodriguez Orejuela) and therefore has frozen and has properties in the United States can not conduct business with entities of that country anywhere in the world. We're talking about a Venezuelan general.
This month, the Washington Post Journal published an article with information about Chavez's relationship with drug trafficking, which listed below:
"A July report from the General Accounting Office U.S. (GAO, for its acronym in English) found that Venezuela has become a transit route for Colombian cocaine, 60% of which is exported by the FARC. The GAO also found that senior members of the Chavez government and the Venezuelan military are complicit. 'According to U.S. officials, corruption within the National Guard of Venezuela represents the most significant threat because the Guard reports directly to President Chávez and controls the airports, borders and ports of Venezuela, "says the document from the GAO. [1]
Clinton in the same list appear two other former officials of the Chavez government: Henry de Jesus Rangel, former director of the Political Police, sinks and Captain (r) Ramon Emilio Rodriguez Chacin, a former minister of Justice and the Interior. The latter is known as the contact between Chavez and the FARC.
These two individuals are aligned with a drug cartel in Arauca, known as the "Clan of Brothers Rivers" and the tenth of the guerrilla front.
The most serious of all this is that the crimes were committed against them when they were active members of the Chavez government.
there's more ...
José Ignacio Chauvin, who is the former Undersecretary for Policy Coordination of Ecuador's president, is on trial for his links with the clan of brothers Ostaiza known drug traffickers. According to evidence from Reyes's computer mail, we sent these guys $ 400,000 Correa's campaign at the request of the FARC. That is exactly the same number that Correa was never able to explain their origin, when auditing the accounts of his campaign. [2]
Chauvin was the right hand of former interior minister of Ecuador, Gustavo Larrea. In the diaries of the famous Chauvín found evidence Larrea meetings with the FARC in which Correa allegedly knew nothing. All this happened while both were active members of the government of Ecuador.
And more ...
Letters of Kings are details of the relationship between the FARC and the Democratic Unification Party (UD) of Honduras. This is the only party in Honduras supporting the return of President Zelaya. Recently, the de facto government of Honduras showed evidence of money sent by the FARC to this group, to fund the popular demonstrations in favor of Zelaya (which incidentally are very anemic).
Honduras is the bridge required for drug-laden planes refuel with petrol before arriving in Mexico and the United States. In Honduras there is an agreement between the government and the United States to operate the Soto Cano base. The same style to the agreement between Colombia and the United States under Plan Colombia and is soon to be expanded.
Soto Cano base is home to the "Joint Task Force Bravo (JTF-B) U.S. made by army, air forces, joint security forces and the first battalion, regiment 228, American aviation. There are approximately 600 people and 18 combat aircraft, including UH-60 Blackhawk and CH-47 Chinook. It is also used for anti-drug operations.
Because they believe that Chavez is so obsessed with Honduras? Because it forced route of drug trafficking and that basis is another headache. And the only way to take them out is with the arrival of the Bolivarian revolution.
If you have something in common Chavez, Correa, Evo, Ortega and Zelaya, is that hate the DEA. Did everything to torpedo his work. These five need the drug money to finance its expansion plans, saving for old age and stay out of legal problems and tracking of accounts.
With that money can buy consciences illegal, finance political campaigns, arming the FARC and destabilize governments. And no one in Latin America can prove anything.
The greatest enemy with drug trafficking and Chavez allies are the aircraft of the United States government. Those planes are so advanced spy technology that overcomes the most feverish imaginations.
This technology has intercepted communications of the FARC, to the extent that they have to use mails human. With this technology, they tricked the FARC in the famous Operation Jaque where Ingrid Betancourt freed. From there out the evidence for court cases of the Venezuelan government officials and Ecuador.
The plane P-3 Orion [3] detects submarines which are carrying the drugs to Mexico. A drug dealers costing them millions of dollars a year the presence of these aircraft in the Colombian Pacific coast.
While these planes are on the sky of Colombia, Chavez, Correa and the FARC, are exposed to them to discover all its diabolical plans. They imagine everything that could make these crooks without American supervision on Colombia and Honduras?
To which Chavez is afraid to finish in a U.S. prison, just how it ended Manuel Noriega's former dictator of Panama. These aircraft are all day listening to conversations, intercepting radio, monitoring activities. And its range does not stop at the line of the border between Colombia and Venezuela and Ecuador. Hence, all tests will in future be processed Chavez for drug trafficking, money laundering, etc. ...
Can you imagine how much money can they be offering the drug lords Chavez to do the impossible to get those planes there? With so little money Bolivarian finance how three revolutions together.
Behind all this show of Chavez are the major drug lords with their damn money and corrupting. Allied with Chávez and his cronies, these gangsters are destabilizing peace in Latin America. Something on a smaller scale and we live in Colombia, only that this is a mega Latin American version of our war against drugs.
I know that this article is very long, but there is a point.
While those American planes are flying over Colombia, the famous Sukois are as dangerous as they threw paper airplanes at school in geography class. Warplanes have a limited radar, basically flying blind long-range missions. Need the help of military radar to identify enemy planes and Venezuela does not have that radar.
In the unlikely event that Venezuela Air Force would conduct an operation against Colombia, the planes would be shot down by a missile that they never know where it came from. Although Colombia has only 5 short-range military radar, the U.S. E-3 aircraft (the big radar on the fuselage) [4] can cover the Colombian territory with ease. They detect the Sukois in good time to organize a proper defense. If
Sukois downed, no one could prove whether the missile ever used came from a K-fir Colombian or American F-22 (known as the invisible plane). And Chavez knows. All the millions spent on these planes are unsuitable for their expansion plans while American planes are in the sky of Colombia.
So for these aircraft represent a major impediment to their evil plans. And will do everything possible to get them out of Colombia and Honduras.
But this time the wrong country. In Colombia things are a different price. Gustavo Abello
PD Response
vice chancellor for Latin America and the Caribbean Francisco Arias Cárdenas, when asked "How can stop a flea on an elephant?", Referring to Colombia could not control the U.S. military when these bases are in Colombia.
This is my answer to you, Mr. Cárdenas: Why does an elephant need the help of a flea, to step one inch smaller?