Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Clothing Optional Resorts New Orleans

Freedom of Speech in the American ... Detention of journalists Russia Today. What was it and why?

[ detention Journalists Russia Today.RT.Svoboda words in the U.S.]
Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of conscience, freedom of religion, freedom of everything ... This is democracy, which we represent? In a simplified form, but yes.
where "democracy" was born and had success?-Speak (!) In the West
Where now She "developed" to such an extent that they think they already have the right to "export" democracy "to other countries? - say (!) in the U.S. and the West in general.
Who blames others for non-compliance with democratic norms?-speaking (!) The U.S. and the West.

Okay, let's leave it all and look the part. What we are reproached? Speaking of "us", I mean those who, in the opinion, everyone there Brzezinski Kondaliz, Hilary, Bushov, Rasmussen, and Sarkozy is not included in the ranks of "civilized" countries!

The recriminations that have:
  • undemocratic electoral system
  • undemocratic methods of fighting the insurgency and terrorists to SevKavkaze (if you wish, I can explain who believe the rebels, and who is a terrorist)
  • non-free media
  • pursued by "opposition" (as in fact, a parody of it), etc.
Today I would like to touch the topic media, because for several days in the network, and generally spinning theme detention of journalists Russia Today in most "democratic" country in the world, the United States.
Incidentally, Russia Today often competes with them. " Read the following article:

Russia Today against CNN. Who's who? "Tyranny" and "Democracy"

What do we have?

at the military base Fort Benning on Nov. 20, was detained crew Russian TV channel Russia Today. Keylin reporter Ford and the operator Jonathan Conway's little "popressovali", and put the handcuffs were taken to the police, detained for 32 hours, they took bail, fined and released. Everything is so simple and easily. In the video, you may notice that the detained journalists, even then, when the demonstration was over! Yes, and what has the right to police to detain a journalist, who appears to them and is not involved in any illegal action, and all-only, lights it!

Well as you? For more details, you can see by clicking on the link .

And here's the video, which made one of the detainees in the bus. Remember my article related to the provocations of "opposition" on May 31 ( "Dissenters" want to discredit Russia! "The most successful provocation "opposition"! )? compare the behavior of detainees in U.S. and "our." Compare how our no handcuffs, no wear, although many swinging machine, trying to escape, but on the press in the U.S. handcuffed in such a way that she almost cried. According to Russia Today, cutting handcuffs knife, the police injuring the girl's hand and did not receive medical care. Journalists were taken to jail and then confiscated the personal belongings, clothing, given in return prison robes and placed in a cell with common criminals serving sentences. How do you mean? Imagine if we did the same with journalists BBC, CNN and more! That would it be? Who would have thought? Monsters and envoys of devil-in this case I have no doubt!

Where is our Foreign Ministry? Where the reaction of our TV? Why not trumpeted around the world? Why is said and forgotten? The problem is that the detainees are U.S. citizens, so the legal framework to clarify the circumstances of the Foreign Ministry is not ... Though what the big deal? If detained in Moscow journalist, CNN was a Russian citizen, the State Department said nothing would be? I do not think!

And now, the headlines on this case:

  • TRIAL OVER Russia Today will begin a month or two
  • RT Arrest of Journalists in the U.S. provoked debate about democracy and the work of the media
  • Foreign Ministry is concerned about the detention of journalists in Russia Today U.S.
  • "Reporters Without Borders say the detention of journalists RT unlawful

Well, it somehow interesting. Let us tell you something more interesting. But maybe not worth it? I just do not want you to become well vile, like me, after reading this news ... Although it is better the bitter truth than sweet lies ...

In turn, the well-known human rights activist, head of the Moscow Helsinki Group, Alexeyev told RIA Novosti that the police are the United States, in contrast to the Russian police, acting strictly in accordance with the law when working on the unauthorized mass actions, and it is possible that journalists RT could somehow break the rules.
"In the U.S. do have facilities that are not allowed to shoot. Very difficult for me to judge this (arrest of journalists), I do not know the details, but it might be Russian crew acted against the rules. As far as I know, the U.S. police in contrast to our police are not guided by any private regulations and orders of superiors, and is guided by the law. They are strictly comply. I can not judge why the crew was detained, did not know how it was the case, "- said Alexeyev.

As you are such a freedom of speech?" We need it in this form? There are many examples of "democratic " Western policy, but the time and effort is much smaller, and it would be happy to publish them. And now your turn, argue!
The other day will conclude competition Who is the hero of the XX century? The choice is yours! request to those who has not participated in it, to participate to the voting pattern was more or less objective. After summarizing the results I'll write a post about winning candidate, which will tell about the little-known facts of his life. Take part in competition you can by clicking on the appropriate banner.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010


Gaza offends Israel. Israel asked for help

[Israel. Gaza Strip. Hamas. Middle East settlement]
Today wanted to write about an issue that was discovered long ago, but still has no solution ... This is the Arab-Israeli conflict, in particular the Israeli-Palestinian.
will not address the historical aspects of the topic ... Just let us analyze the recent actions of the Israeli authorities and the state as a whole.
What do we do?
Firstly, the occupation of (legalized) Palestine.
Second, blockades Gaza Strip (illegal)
Third, the UN Security Council unauthorized military operations in the Gaza Strip.
Fourthly, the killing of civilians IDF soldiers.
In Seventh

I do not want to justify the "terrorists" of Hamas or its offshoots. Why is the word I picked up the terrorists in quotes? Because of them as such does not count! Likewise, I do not think the terrorists those who are struggling with the American expansion of Iraq. What is a terrorist? The network I have not found distinct definition of the word. Clearly, this is the person who committed a terrorist act. And what is a terrorist act?

Terror act - causing an explosion, arson or other actions, intimidating the population and endanger the death of a person, causing significant property damage or other serious consequences, in order to influence decision-making authorities or international organizations, as well as the threat to commit such acts in the same order.

It determines the action the Criminal Code.

I myself understand the motives that driven people to kill and blow up the invaders. I know many will disagree with me, but it is my position. Let us not think lightly. Man to understand themselves and their attitudes towards different events, it is useful to think about what he would do, whether in place of someone accused of.

I will examples related to Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc. ..
same can be said about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

situation a:
you live with your family in an apartment house. You have a calm and happy life. Only this house manager (read: Saddam Hussein, the opposition Communist Party Afghanistan, Yasser Arafat and other leaders of the Palestinians) do not want to submit to the Mayor (ie the Soviet Union, the USA, Israel, NATO, EU, etc.) or from the superintendent is that (read: oil and territory), for what the mayor wants to remove him from office.
And one day you can see from the window as you drive up home guards Mayor block it, customize tanks and begin to "smoke out" the superintendent. Naturally, they are not snipers, and can get on your own, nor the innocent neighbors, can kill you son, wife, brother's family, who lived a floor below.

make the bias towards the analogy with the Palestinians:
So, they are strong, they have have guns, they have a judge familiar (read UN), prosecutors (meaning "west"), etc. They grab your apartment building, evict people from 3 to 20 floor and begin to equip their lives. Those who managed to hide planted in their prison and expelled from their historical territories.
Now ask yourself this question: If you were at those who lost loved ones, relatives, lost it and now have lost their land, has lost its past yes, and future, would oppose the mayor and his guards? I dare answer for you, YES! Would you throw in the windows of apartments from 4 to 20 floor incendiary "pitardamy? Answer: YES! And if because of your Action killed one or two guards or members of their family, you would have continued his work? Answer: YES! Because we are primarily people-biological beings, and we sits with daleeeekih historic times such a thing as "eye for eye, tooth for tooth."

I do not blame and do not defend "terrorists" who fired at Israel and blow themselves up somewhere, taking away the life of any innocent people (say, the son of a guard). I do not blame them from an emotional point view ... With a conscious point of view, I understand that the son of a guard to blame for everything, but only indirectly. He was to blame because it supports his father and his actions. He supported the expulsion, deportation, persecution, etc.

I myself was in Israel and the Palestinian National Administration and personally saw and heard what was going on. Not all Jews support the course of their "state", but all Zionists, believe it right.

now cite the recent news from the Middle East:

3 missiles and 7 minutes of the Negev, an airstrike on Gaza
Israeli aircraft hit three targets in Gaza, one of whom was in a refugee camp of Khan Yunes. Palestinians have reported several wounded. IDF announced The exact lesion all purposes.
This attack was a response to attacks on the Negev, the increasing trend over the past two days. Today's Israel from Gaza fired three rockets and 7 minutes, fell on open ground. No casualties or damage were
Hamas is trying to prohibit the firing of rockets Israel from Gaza
controls the Gaza Strip, the Islamist movement Hamas seeks to prohibit the firing of rockets into Israeli territory by Palestinian militants in an attempt to extinguish a hotbed of tension after a series of Israeli air strikes on the enclave .-
Israel complained to the UN to rocket attacks from Gaza
Israel sent to the UN appeal for renewed attacks from the Gaza Strip and warned intention to exercise its right to self-defense. "\u0026lt;...> recent incidents clearly violate international law , demonstrate the relevance of threats which Israel faces on a daily basis "-

Well Well, someone whom, but Israel was worth to contact the UN to Do not allow violations of international law! Even funny ... They have that right even very guarded and do not violate, do not believe me? Then go over the history of the formation "State" of Israel, or read the following news:
War in Israel gave a deadline for using the child as a "shield"
Israel military court sentenced Sunday to three months suspended sentence of two soldiers who used a Palestinian child as a "living shields during the fighting in the Gaza Strip
Of nearly 50 cases that were instituted by the Israeli military operation on the basis of Cast Lead, this - one their first reported to the sentencing stage. Victims of fighting in December 2008 - January 2009 period were 1,4 thousand citizens of the Palestinian enclave, and 13 Israelis.
A search of the building on the outskirts of Gaza City two senior sergeant forced the 9-year old Palestinian man opened a few bags, suspecting that they are explosive devices.
addition to probation, the sentence implies reduction in rank by one grade, but does not preclude further military service, including those in command positions. The verdict was received with relief defendants and angered the opposite direction of its ease. - RiaNovosti
As you are such a respect for international law? I do not like it when it comes to a child. I am such international law is not needed. And who do they figured out who should ensure that they are satisfied or not, as he said CHATSKY Griboyedov "Who are the judges" ?

Who are the judges? - Relic years
to the free life of their implacable enmity,
judgments derive from forgotten newspapers
Times Ochakivs'kyi and the conquest of the Crimea;
Always Ready to zhurbe,
sing all the songs the same ,
Not noticing about myself:
that old, something worse.
Where to provide us, fatherland fathers, *
we should take a sample?
not they know, spoil rich?
Protection from the court in his friends found in kinship,
erected magnificent chamber,
Where are bottled in their feasts and extravagance ...
Here are the ones who lived to see gray hairs!
Here respect to whom should we solitude!
Here our strict judges and judges!

Here's to you and our democracy. Ahh, you have not? Then we go to you!

What is your opinion on Israeli politics? Do you think the Israelis have a right to those lands which are now live?

The other day will conclude competition Who is the hero of the XX century? The choice is yours! request to those who have not participated in it, to attend to pattern of voting was more or less objective. After summarizing the results, I will write post about the winning candidate, which I will talk about the little-known facts of his life. Take part in competition you can by clicking on the appropriate banner.

Dear reader, if you liked the material and the blog in general, become "Permanent Reader ". Thank you in advance.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rsvp Card: Vegetarian Vs.

Viktor Bout and our loss! Who was Booth, and that such Bout It ...!

[Victor But.Ekstraditsiya of Tailanda.Torgovets Smertyu.Sud over Viktor Bout] Vposlednee time due to news, I was so disappointed in March when Being abroad to learn the news of explosions in the subway. Well, it was a tragedy of enormous proportions. People were killed ... In political terms as it was a loss. This the same loss as extradition of Viktor Bout USA.
About Bout I actually wrote two articles that explain their point of view ( U.S. sent an aircraft carrier crew for the Booth in 6000. And you weak? and dogonku In the article on Bute. Congratulations! ). In one of them, I said the following:

What can we say about the deal bout? It lasts longer semitrajectory years. In this battle there are three parties: the first party is Russia, the second - the U.S., and the third-Thailand.
If the analogy with the game football, it turns out that Booth is a ball, one team, Russia, the second-USA, and the stadium, unfortunately for the Thais in their territory.
why Thailand is not lucky? Yes because they will have to meet two requirements are mutually exclusive ...
Russia demands release of its citizens, and U.S. extradition.
In late August, Prime Minister Talianda made it clear that this case is purely political. He said: "In case of Victor Bout, Thailand - the third party. It is necessary that the United States and Russia itself decided the issue between themselves "-RiaNovosti. This is the same" democratic "??

States explained by the fact that Booth, ostensibly, is a "merchant of death"-that is, weapons. But let's think logically, can a man sell weapons on such a scale without the undercover? This is unlikely! Throughout the history of trade with arms linked with the tasks of security forces. That is not even a trade, and performance of special tasks of the country.

Recently theme of Victor Bout has become very topical. It is known that on 20 August Court of Appeals Thailand has decided to extradite Bout to the U.S., but there ability to make some bureaucratic problems, so the issue had to be postponed.

on Thai law, if Court of Appeal decision will not be fulfilled within 90 days (until 20 November), the defendant must (!) release.

What is the result? And turns out that for Booth was trade between Russia and the U.S.. Thailand did not play any role here, as he said, so he did.

This case had not only political but also the psychological aspect. First of all, every Russian considered him their man and did not want him to be in American hands. Regarding the case of Victor were ordinary people and experts, and policymakers. But what ultimately turned out something? And to get what we lost:
"Victor was taken a few minutes ago. Police officers from escort told me that he was being taken to Don Muang Air Force Base. There will be all the immigration formalities, after which Victor will give Americans, "said the lawyer
" I'll go to Don Muang and try to get to Victor bye with his wife. What is happening now - absolutely outrageous. Nobody put it in popularity - with me, nor the Embassy (of Russia), nor the wife of Victor "- added he said.

And you? The same democratic (!). After compliance with all human rights principles and the accused! The lawyer, who by law is the alter ego of the accused, not was advised that his client is exported from the country. Think about the way you want, but I spit on such a democracy. She did not need. It is not necessary neither my home country, Armenia and Russia itself. What do we have? The whole world was on tenterhooks the whole world spoke and discussed this issue, and the U.S., sorry, Thai authorities did not bother to communicate its decision to smuggle a Russian citizen in Russia's embassy in Thailand. Why illegal? Because Thai court has twice pleaded guilty to a Russian businessman alleged crimes of his unproven.

"The plane with Victor Bout on board flew from an Air Force base, "Don Muang in Bangkok in exactly three and a half hours after the Thai Cabinet decided to approve the American request for his extradition "
I myself arrived at the prison at the consular visit, and learned that Victor is not there already. As usual, yesterday we sent warden request for a consular visit, and we have it confirmed. The lawyer was there, too. We all, of course, already knew about media reports that today Victor can take. It turns out that the embassy, \u200b\u200band a lawyer and close Booth learned of the impending extradition only from media reports "- said the Russian diplomat.

I have the following question arises: if he illegally supplied arms to Africa, then why not try him in Africa? Or in Russia, of which he is? How U.S. jurisdiction could reach him in Thailand? Why does it have to judge the Americans? He was doing something in the U.S.?-No! He acted to the detriment of "national security" the U.S.?-No! So where it wants to prosecute in the U.S.?

Well, as they say, lost so lost! For me it is a little less foreign policy in the treasury of the current government. Now I am waiting for response from the Russian Federation. First, the hard political statements directed primarily toward Thailand, and then the U.S.. Providing serious legal aid Buta in the USA! We too can search and find a man who worked or are working in the U.S., in order to exchange it with Booth, as this was the case during a spy. From Thailand to act tough. Well, for example, our veterinarian shooter-Onishchenko, can tell the Russians that in Thailand this year, be safe to rest, since you can take a chance infected with any disease (think it is something that can only be political will was).

According to U.S. CM and the plane, which was extradited Russian businessman Viktor Bout will arrive in New York about 21.00 on Tuesday on New York time (about 05.00 MSK medium).

now turn to the political reaction of the Russian side, which I was, until, that is not a particularly happy:
"It (extradition Buta in the USA) was the result of massive political pressures imposed by Washington on the Thai authorities. We seek now an immediate consular access to Mr. Bout. He - a Russian citizen, he is entitled to all rights that any citizen of Russia, got into trouble in a similar situation, has to be respected, "- said Ryabkov
Foreign Minister, speaking about e the situation, put it as follows: "This whole story - a sample of blatant injustice"

all! Once is not enough for the case of this magnitude. Although much time has passed does not wait, can understand what's what ...

American side, as usual, treats our ears, the words of "democracy", "legality", "impartiality" of the case. Ryabkova colleague suggests that this case will not affect Russian-US relations. That they are very strong and this kind of situation can not change the situation.
"This will create a ripple, but do not worry. We have a mature relationship with Russia, based on national interests that this case can not change. There are issues on which we agree and on which we disagree, and we solve these questions. And in this case we will work to overcome existing difficulties
We act in full accordance with international law. We know that the Russian government thinks about this. We are discussing with them this question "
I comment here too. But I think it would be interesting learn about what an American expert Ternovskii, behind which is about 30 years of experience in the system of American jurisprudence, appreciate the chance Bout to be justified.

"... Booth is innocent. How would it not curse in the western media and pasting labels loud, I think his chances of being justified in New York are high enough. The cornerstone of the American system of justice - the presumption of innocence. Charges will not be easy, proving in an open adversarial trial versions of their ...
... dragged America Booth at the stadium, but he has every chance of winning the case and in a foreign field ...
... The federal system is not too much to bring the case before the court verdict. Typically, the judicial court considered the federal prosecution as a forum negotiations, which seek a compromise. In this process, much depends on the lawyers ...
... I hope that will protect Bout "dream team" which is, of course, a lot from a financial point of view . But the professionalism of lawyers plays a very important role in the U.S. justice system ...
... Does he reach it Bout to court and when it is, or will be settled by compromise - will determine the directors of the one and two sides (prosecution and defense )..."
What a "dream team" I do not know, but Russia budget ADEQUATE!

PS We will wait for further developments. Russia must, she must return its citizens on their land! Only for the fact that he did not become traitors. If he had said everything that needed to MI, it would not tortured! Means holds, then does not betray, so should be rewarded BACK HOME!

What do you think, dear readers? How will the Russian side? Will exchange Bout? Find a suitable small coin? In general, how to treat this case?
these days will take stock of the competition Who is the hero of the XX century? The choice is yours! request to those who have not participated in it, to attend to pattern of voting was more or less objective. After summarizing the results I'll write a post about the winning candidate, which I will talk about the little-known facts of his life. Take participated in the contest you can by clicking on the appropriate banner.

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cant Find My W2 For My Fasfa

Let's laugh at politics

Today I wanted to write about how and why the Internet is being discussed theme of Russia's accession to NATO. Where, who and why discuss it and seek to infect (!) that the thoughts of others. However, I realized that a little bit tired of politics and news, so make a break and just laugh over politicians, and above the politics, too.

first who understood and began to use it was Putin.


"If Mohammed does not go to the mountain, the mountain is going to Magomed")))

subscribe every word that is relevant in our time!

From Syria, perhaps, but the rest of this sentence is unlikely to hear Mr turkey.


Munich Collusion, WWII, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Chechnya, Taiwan, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Georgia, Japan etc.

completely agree. In terms of etiquette, you had to write the country name with a capital letter, but perhaps the author guided by emotions. I support him.

After the attacks of the Azerbaijani side to Google, and collective letters to politicians, Google changed the order of search results

From my point of view, absolutely correct.

Goebbels, of course, can not be considered pro-Russian politician. It is not a remarkable man, but it is safe to say that their work He served on the "excellent". And his words, as well as possible, suited to the current situation in Russia.

quite possible)))

The other day will conclude competition Who is the hero of the XX century? The choice is yours! request to those who have not participated in it, to participate to the voting pattern was more or less objective. After summarizing the results I'll write a post about the winning candidate in which I will talk about the little-known facts of his life. Take part in competition you can by clicking on the appropriate banner.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Make Retaining Wall Blocks

Iran itself will produce complexes C300? Will be!

[Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Complexes C-300]
Theme Iran is so urgent that it is not talking about it will not work ...
I am interested in this country, the political environment around it, foreign policy, which she spends. On an example of this country can see the true policy of opposition to the West and NEZAPADA. I wrote several articles on the topics:

Эto All introductory, but now the main thing.
October 24 I wrote an article in which he said that the officials' statements on Iran, the Republic will SAMA to produce C-300. Information can be found in Article " Iran itself will produce complexes C300? Still swept dyadshku Sam?! " you it would be easier to read this article after you have read the above. Because they are connected by one thread of information.

There have been several readers who did not share my point of view, and tried to refute what I write. Let's do so, first I will give their comments, and then already very news that refutes their statements and confirms my:

User Comments:

Anonymous said ...

C300 is not a coffee machine with electric kettles, to them, even in the presence of working drawings, to begin producing in the near future. "

Anonymous said ...

Above someone wrote that the C-300 is not coffee and tea, I fully agree with this gentleman, "to slander" such high-tech weapons are needed not only drawings, to the equipment and at least some experience, not to mention the culture production. This is the same, so to watch factory "Ray" suddenly started doing the "Omega" or "Rolleksy.

November 8, 2010 10:21

I understand the mood of our anonymous friends ... Yes, a lot more than they thought so. Many expressed the same form in person, many do not favor, but it is important is not it, but what I now quote ...

Iran created a system of defense / PVO / , similar to the Russian air defense systems C-300. This was announced today, the news agency IRNA representative of the command by Defense Mohammad Hassan Mansuriyan.
According to him, created efforts of specialists of the national military-industrial complex system of long-range in the final stages of production and preparation for field trials. "In the near future held shooting, and hopefully we can announce the good news about the Iranian analogue C-300 " , - said Mansuriyan. -

Thanks to my opponents, because they did not agree with my previous opinion. It gave me an excuse to delve deeper in the news to confirm what I said.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Ispreparation Hused For In Bulldogs

Whose man Sobyanin? Putin or Medvedev?

There have been many discussions on the account of why the same was dismissed Luzhkov, who should sit in his place, and whose people will be ... Said, that Medvedev took "Podputinskogo" the man with the mayor of the capital, to put their rights and to consolidate its position to talk with Putin on "who will in 2012? ". My personal opinion also coincides with this. I believe that it was opaque bother the president and prime minister, who has quietly give each Others found that they want to go "in 2012" . Luzhkov's resignation was scandalous and occurred in a hurry. As you recall, he dismissed Medvedev, while this time is not in their own country and in China. Strange situation because, the president dismissed the mayor of the capital of his country from a foreign state with the phrase "loss of confidence" ...
resignation Luzhkov, on his "preduvolnitelnom" letter I wrote in the article "Letter Medvedev Luzhkov before retiring, what happened?"

Recently, Putin visited one of the most wonderful places in Russia- "Uvs Nuur Basin" . It seems to be nothing remarkable, but there is one detail, seeing that I smiled and said, "haha, again outplayed"

Photostrip visit:

Nothing interesting, so I? Normal successful pictures, tailored specifically for the good PR of our Prime Minister. Each photo done by professionals, with professional photography podhodom.Kazhdaya tested and discussed dozens of times before you put it on the Internet.

So whose the same man again took the chair of the Mayor of Moscow, in a population of almost 10.8% of the population throughout Russia? I think the answer is shown in the pictures ...

Vladimir Putin and Sergei Sobyanin

remind you that this reserve and the biosphere are far from Moscow or even in Moscow area, and far, far away in Siberia ...

I think there is nothing to add two and a half years have not helped Medvedev ... Chief "on the hut," Putin said. So it was, because there are so be. And rightly so, he is more worthy (able) to be president than Medvedev ... This is of course my own opinion, which I justified in my next Articles:

Whose Sobyanin man and what he needs now is Mr. Putin? What are your opinions, I will be glad to hear ...

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