Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cheats For Yu Gi Oh Duel Academy On Vba

Defenders Russia funded the CIA! Thank you and that they themselves have admitted!

[Democracy. Human rights activists. CIA]
Today, the portal appeared document published by the CIA. What contains the report and what is it?
We know that the U.S. is by courier, delivery of "democracy" in different points of the globe. This is what I have written articles:

"Democracy," which brought the U.S. into Afghanistan. Disagree? "Well," the Americans are able to deliver the democracy ...

Tajikistan burns "democracy" which U.S. taken to Afghanistan!

They deliver it to where exactly they want to settle. Where do they still want to send a courier with a box in which is it most - "democracy." In Russia, despotism, tyranny, totalitarianism ... We also need to democratize. And who would do that? Of course is there any trade unions, associations and organizations, all there "halfbacks" human rights.

Now, proceed directly to today's news.
Here is a list of organizations that in 2009 received financial support from the Foundation National Endowment for Democracy, which was established by the CIA
List of Russian organizations that received grants through the National Endowment for Democracy United States »(the National Endowment for Democracy, NED) in 2009, according to its own annual report Fund. An asterisk indicates the organizations that were, in addition to grants to NED, additional funding from the U.S. State Department. Amounts expressed in U.S. dollars.
I think the whole list of these organizations do not give meaningful. There is a different wing community. There are formal, there is propaganda, there is, is ...
Let me draw your attention to those organizations that in my view are anti-state character, and support any separatist movements there (PSK some organizations, I will add your own comment (
SC )):

Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Memorial Historical memory of political repression "Perm-36" "
49,735 *
to support the museum's organization devoted to political repression in the USSR. In addition, funds Fund will be utilized for the series of seminars for teachers from neighboring regions and the preparation of electronic versions of historical and methodological materials.

UK: crackdown took place, of course. About them, too, need to talk, but no museums, which are funded U.S.. Let's open for your TsRUshny through the museum "industrialization," "economic development", "Win the Soviet people, headed by Stalin World War II," "the first flight into space Soviet cosmonaut. "Disagree?

Autonomous Nonprofit Organization" Mashr "
55,000 *
to identify a lack of responsibility and respect for human rights by the authorities in Ingushetia. Mashr will publish information about abductions and enforced disappearances, providing legal assistance to victims and their families, forcing officials to investigate such cases, and using, if necessary
, international legal mechanisms.
SK: D well, there are such cases. But you do with it? Prosecutor General's okay, like, investigate such violations of the law. You better have yourself out there with human rights in the "democratic" country - France to investigate.

"Center for International Private Enterprise" (CIPE) (American organization, created in conjunction with NED)
promote understanding of democracy and market economy, entrepreneurial and leadership skills among young people in the North Caucasus. CIPE and its local partner, VIM should develop and implement a certification program for business and leadership skills for youth of university age. CIPE and VIM will also support graduates by providing them with networking opportunities and access to local businessmen and officials.

"Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations"
50,000 *
monitor and investigate cases of violence, threats, pressure on Journalists, in particular, the Center staff will investigate cases of abductions, killings and other acts of violence and extreme cases against journalists to find out whether they are related to professional activities.
UK: Why should investigate for you is that no murder or death of a journalist, then due to Prof. activities. At what "killer" is always power.

"center of peace-building and community development"
17,340 *
Conduct 6 lectures in Chechen universities on important subjects of democracy. Including: the relationship between the individual, society and state, rule of law, the model development, the historical experience of authoritarianism, democracy and freedom of speech.
UK: Good idea, but what for? I think, for In order to grow a new "Democrats and liberals, the similarity of all there Nemtsov, Hakamada et al

" defenders of civil rights "
108,338 *
to hold Conference on Human Rights in North Caucasus in November 2009. The Conference will be held in Stockholm during the Swedish EU Presidency and to its will draw attention to the situation of human rights violations in the North Caucasus.
UK: Again the North Caucasus, what you are away want? Ahh, do you also understand that if you can dismember Russia, then it (subdivision) will begin precisely with SevKavkaza?

Foundation for Public Commission for the preservation of the heritage of Andrei Sakharov "
90,000 *
for organizing their seventh annual" Inter-regional competition for teachers on the history of Political repression in the USSR. "This event provides history teachers in schools across Russia the opportunity to plan lessons, as well as additional materials on topics such as Stalinism, political repression, gulags, human rights and dissident movement.
UK: again I repeat, for the development and implementation in the brains of pupils what those teachers will have the money to give "Stalinism, political repression, gulags, human rights and dissident movement ... you have nothing to bother, you're already in open play?) TsRUshniki Well done, well done, brave boys!

"Friends of the Institute CEELI"
44,311 *
The development strategies for greater advocacy on the subject of criminal prosecution for war crimes committed during the conflict in Chechnya. Institute will conduct seminars on international criminal law and international humanitarian law, which will be attended by Russian researchers, Lawyers and human rights activists, prominent Western experts. Work will focus on a review of existing studies that were conducted so far, and conducting strategic planning for the next phase of the project.
UK: Chechnya again, again SevKav

Interregional Public Organization "Committee Against Torture"
85,000 *
To reduce the amount of torture in Chechnya. The Committee will monitor, and to publish cases of torture by law enforcement agencies and will offer legal assistance to victims.
UK: But at what here you? Where is Chechnya, where you where torture in Chechnya, where torture in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay without trial, according to all canons of "democracy." Oh yes, according to the latest data released this summer in Chechnya, condemned the order of 30 employees who exceeded their official powers during interrogations

"MEMO 98"
54,274 *
To control the way in which state-controlled media manipulated public opinion in Russia. Together with Moscow by the grantee, the Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations (CJES), based in Slovakia, "MEMO" will create a monitoring group in Russia, will hold a week-long training in Bratislava, and four program oversight monitoring of the media. The monitoring results will be distributed in four press conferences and on the Internet.

UK: Show me a country where state media are not manipulated public opinion! There is no country! Ahh, I forgot, it's ORT or "Russia" shows shot peaceful town of Russian tanks and called them by the Georgian! Or vice versa was it? BBC, CNN, FoxNews, EuroNews, etc. what do you say?

Because all eyes are on the North Caucasus. Kindle out there, want to start disconnecting It is from this region ... There is, of course, easier to organize all sorts of hobby groups, because the social situation in the region is worse than the others ...

Dear blogger, if you liked the material and the blog in general, become "constant reader." advance thank.


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