love double-edged sword, comes without warning t make magic enters the heart you blind without further word without getting you mad reason love and end up hating the end porq love destroys you but who is the guide to not suffer is part of life has no explanation I can say esq love is a deadly weapon as seductive as tempting so happy ah no love ah not lived is a very important part is the story of your life the most touching, the greatest love is even more suffering than q represents the name you love being in love with someone to share laughter and feel like an idiot in the enjoy the night clouds and draw the eye to capture eternal soul wonder how I can write this as I say I enjoyed it lived and died for love thanks to the address these palbras the bottom of my experience q for the love you give yourself and that apart from the marvelous q true wrote on this blog I want to give some advice never cling to a person sound more difficult if q t leave not throw you to die if no follow up and remember the good as the wounds heal the scars aunq forever .. thanks
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