The OAS fell into farce and ridicule. Honduras
Under the management of Mr. Jose Manuel Insulza, Chilean Socialist Party member, the Organization of American States (OAS), has fallen to levels undreamed of mistake and little credibility.
The OAS, which is not really an organization of "States" if not an organization of "Presidents", which within it are organized into groups of similar ideological, left or right to manage and give direction that suits their interests. Interests do not necessarily seek to strengthen democracy.
Since the conclusion of the summit of the OAS held between 3 and June 5, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, in which one of the main topics was the re-entry of Cuba into the fold of the OAS the agency took a course strange, almost wrong, because with the implementation of some clauses, Cuba could return.
The double standard or double standard "of the OAS and José Manuel Insulza, is evident as Honduras meets all "clauses" that the OAS, calls to Cuba. Fulfilling these clauses, Cuba can return to the Organization of American States OAS, but not Honduras, which was excluded from the Agency of American States, at nearly the speed of lightning, probably breaking some "Guinness record," after Manuel Zelaya to be removed and replaced by the Sovereign National Congress, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, in the person of Roberto Micheletti Bain.
Cuba, through its "representative", Fidel Castro, said "they were not interested in joining that body, which it considers irrelevant and obsolete.
The OAS Charter provides that members must be countries with democratic governments, representative and pluralistic, provisions were not respected in Venezuela, where Hugo Chávez, coercing, and "crush" opponents, who decide, the better not appear to participate in elections. But in this case, neither the OAS nor Mr. Insulza, are pronounced, and investigate possible causes, they merely say, "are internal problems in Venezuela and we can not interfere in them."
Among the essential purposes of the OAS, is: To strengthen peace and security of the continent; in this case, the OAS does not work, since the growth of so-called Socialism of the XXI Century, also known as Chavismo warmongers and their associations with countries like Iran, undermine peace and security of the peoples of Latin America.
Another primary purpose of the OAS, is: To promote and consolidate representative democracy, respect for the principle of nonintervention in the case of Honduras, the OAS and its Secretary General Mr. Insulza, has not met this goal since the intervention by the "imposition" of the return of Zelaya, is more than evident. Also
OAS Purpose: To prevent possible causes of difficulties and ensure the peaceful settlement of disputes between Member States. The situation in Honduras, it happened on June 28 was a situation that had been developing for many months, however, the OAS and Insulza did not realize it, could not foresee this situation and in ensuring the peaceful settlement of disputes between Member States, the OAS also shown greater interest in avoiding conflict, not Venezuela warn about the threats to our sovereignty and interference in internal affairs of the State of Honduras.
The OAS, during the administration of Mr. Insulza has lost its way and the purposes for which it was created, that institution, which at the discretion of Raúl Castro, "has to go" under the influence of Insulza this should be taken seriously.
The OAS, with Insulza, has become a "legitimizing" of dictatorship through democratic elections and changes in the constitution, as is happening in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, as currently intended as intended Nicaragua do in Honduras.
Mr. Insulza made a visit on the first day of July 2009 to "impose" the "unconditional return" of Manuel Zelaya, Honduras otherwise expel the OAS action made without hearing the legal arguments of the Supreme Court described in our Constitution, which was dismissed by Mr. Manuel Zelaya.
During this visit to Honduras, Mr. Insulza, refused to meet with President Roberto Micheletti for "not legitimate", ironically and paradoxically, this same Mr. Insulza, believes that Fidel Castro is a source of "legitimacy" Cuba.
Honduras, knowing that Mr. Insulza, who controls the OAS, as his private estate, would fulfill his threat to expel Honduras to the OAS, denounced the Charter of the OAS, in accordance with the provisions of Article 143 of the same. In
view and with the agreement, with an attitude "irresponsibly permissive," the OAS, with the "manipulations" of Mr. Insulza, enables and supports the Brothers Castro of Cuba, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Evo Morales of Bolivia, Daniel Ortega Nicaragua, are those who give "lecture to the world" Democracy.
-called ALBA countries (Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean) exert pressure "block" within the OAS, supported by the same Insulza.
All countries adhering to Alba, a project of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, using the same "script" written carefully Fidel Castro, to mount a "work", or rather a "cheap circus act," seeking to divide society and opinion, and encourage violence, with the old strategy of "class struggle." Then strategically and by "popular consultation" to polls, regardless of the law, coerce and pressure the National Congress to remove any "obstacle" or "law" that prevents reelection.
The presidential term is the "bug" which is "biting the majority" of American presidents, while some want to rule by "indefinite", it really is nothing but a dictatorship, although it has been reached by democratic means.
These are the new "democratic dictatorship" in the current era, which is proposing the disrespectful Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, through his "Socialism of the XXI century, in full view of the Organization of American States (OAS) and its Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, who apparently experienced "selective myopia", come and see little, when they put their eyes on Venezuela.
The OAS, through Insulza, has tried to "impose" the reinstatement of deposed Manuel Zelaya, who is a supporter of Chavez and Castro, and member self-styled Socialist XXI Century, which seeks to impose a new "imperialist-expansionist Chavez-Castro" antagonistic to what they call "Yankee imperialism."
In Honduras, from the earliest days of constitutional succession, which was chosen as successor to Roberto Micheletti Manuel Zelaya, the OAS tried to coerce, political and economic sanctions, the government of Micheletti, committing an act of total disrespect our country, its laws and self-determination of peoples, "of course" slogan of the OAS.
On July 24, 2009, a group of foreign ministers arrived in Honduras, among them were Foreign Minister Canada, Peter Kent, of Argentina, Jorge Taiana, of Costa Rica, Bruno Stagno, of Jamaica, Kenneth Baugh, of Mexico, Patricia Espinosa, the Dominican Republic, Carlos Morales Troncoso and Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, and the Secretary General OAS, Mr. Insulza as an observer of course.
Argentina's foreign minister, Jorge Taiana, is the same as on Friday, July 4, 1975, bombed with the aim of killing a naval officer. Two people were killed. A waiter and a woman, and several were wounded.
Costa Rica's foreign minister, Bruno Stagno, who has been with the President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, who acts as mediator in the conflict in Honduras his arrival in the country, said: "looking for insights spaces of the San José, which is balanced, balanced, allowing a peaceful, democratic, respectful of the Constitution and laws of Honduras."
But the San Jose Accord, as they call the document drafted and proposed by Mr. Oscar Arias, is not balanced, or balanced and does not respect our constitution, and it is obvious that Mr. Stagno, has not read our constitution and if you've read, he could not "digest" or understand.
Zelaya and several of his ministers, as well as common crimes investigations for threatening face shape government, treason, abuse of power and abuse of authority, among other crimes.
Honduras, shown bold and defiant to the world, emulating the Biblical story of David and Goliath.
Many wonder: Will the world and the OAS, wrong in asking for the return of Zelaya as president of Honduras?
never answers a question with another question, obviaré this rule and answer with a question, Are they wrong, the Supreme Court, Congress, the Public Prosecutor, the Attorney General of the Republic, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the Church Catholic, Evangelical, 4 of 5 political parties including the Zelaya, Armed Forces, private enterprise and a large part of Honduran citizens, not to allow the return of Zelaya as president of Honduras?
These are questions still unanswered.
What we do know is that almost every country in the world, they want back Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras, Honduran and fewer institutions.
Restitution of Zelaya as President of the Republic of Honduras would mean that our Supreme Court, Congress, the Public Prosecutor, the Attorney General of the Republic, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Armed Forces, were wrong and that "The Constitution and Laws "have no legal status in Honduras.
Within three months, Honduras, will be making his Presidential Election, all presidential candidates, were elected through internal elections each political party during the administration of Manuel Zelaya.
The OAS, through José Miguel Insulza, has said repeatedly that the president-elect, the result of the general elections of November 29, 2009, will not be recognized by the OAS.
Apparently the OAS, Insulza, has changed its ideology and democratic principles, to become a "puppet" who danced to, of Hugo Chavez which had called "asshole" Insulza, on several occasions.
Why the military dictatorship of Cuba, can return to the OAS, I get called for presidential elections? Honduras And why not?
That is the question that the discredited Organization of American States OAS, should answer.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Cuts Bleeding Throat Roof Of Mouth Symptoms
Chair in Constitutional Law dictates
Honduras The events mark the beginning of a new constitutional doctrine. The Presidents elected by the people not licensed to commit crime or to violate the Constitution of his country. A president should respect the law and submit to it. That means to be supported the principle of legality and the principle of separation of functions of public bodies.
This means that a President can not perform activities that are not expressly set out its duties in the legal standards of a nation. It must also abide by and be subject to the laws as enacted by the Congress or legislature as to the judgments rendered by the Supreme Court or the judiciary.
When the President does not comply with these fundamental principles incur arbitrary and placed outside the Constitution, breaking the rule of law. When this happens, the other branches of government (legislative and judicial) have a legitimate right, and moreover, the constitutional obligation to restore order to resume normal shattered country's institutions.
is the right to "constitutional self-defense," which moved from criminal law to constitutional law. In this vein, we can define "self defense" as the necessary reaction from unlawful violence or the threat, and not caused by the person relying on this justification. (Grisanti Aveledo, Hernando).
In this sense, it is said that unlawful violence is a denial of the right, because the person who perpetrates an denies unlawful violence norms enshrined in law, but instead of self-defense is the claim of right. Following
Aveledo Grisanti, self-defense is a justification, which is meant that the act done in self defense is a perfect act intrinsically justified, secundum jus an act that is perfectly suited to the legal system .
Applying these notions of criminal law to events in Honduras, we can say that the legislature, the judiciary and all the institutions in Honduras, fought legitimately against unlawful attacks by former President Zelaya, who came repeatedly violating the Constitution and flout the decisions of other branches. In defending this way the institutions mentioned, not only defending themselves, but they were also defending the whole community, in the sense that they were preventing a dangerous for the nation achieve the task that was proposed.
So, the actions taken by Congress and the Supreme Court of Honduras, were absolutely legitimate and attached to the right, acting in exercise of the "constitutional self-defense" against the myriad of abuses the legal system coming developing the former President Zelaya and are knowledge of the world.
Thus, constitutional law should develop, deepen and strengthen this theory of the right to constitutional self-defense in order to adapt to new socio-political circumstances being experienced by the planet to the existence of Presidents who are believed to be above the Constitution and can rule arbitrarily and violated human rights and the legal system, no one can curb their excesses.
Former President Zelaya acted in a harmful way and without limits, without duties and respecting the legitimate decisions of other branches. Its arbitrariness was so extreme that neither even the national budget presented to Congress as mandated by the Constitution, but ruled out of control and not accountable to anyone, as if Honduras were his personal cellar. With so many atrocities and aggressions against the constitutional order, the other powers exercised their right to self defense and took him from the presidency to restore the rule of law, applying the constitutional and whether it was making a mistake, is fully justified according to this theory of constitutional law explain here.
Consequently, the new President of Honduras is absolutely legitimate and constitutional. Legitimate, because Don Roberto Micheletti is a deputy who was elected by popular vote and also unanimously appointed Chairman of the Deputies present at the historic session that is, by all the people's representatives at the national level, so it becomes indirectly mandate of the people. Constitutional because it was appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 242 of the Honduran Constitution in force.
Moreover, the Honduran Armed Forces are monolithically support the constitutional succession of the President and not part of the new government and took power for himself. The other branches remain intact and running completely normal. Civil society and churches are happy with what happened. So, do not understand how the international community has been so blind to realize something that is as clear as spring water. But the Honduran people and their institutions must remain steadfast and continue to uphold its Constitution and democracy, because they are attached to the law and nobody has the right to require them to violate their legal system or to retract on what was a perfectly legitimate decision, justified and constitutional.
By Dr. Alvaro F. Albornoz P.
Honduras The events mark the beginning of a new constitutional doctrine. The Presidents elected by the people not licensed to commit crime or to violate the Constitution of his country. A president should respect the law and submit to it. That means to be supported the principle of legality and the principle of separation of functions of public bodies.
This means that a President can not perform activities that are not expressly set out its duties in the legal standards of a nation. It must also abide by and be subject to the laws as enacted by the Congress or legislature as to the judgments rendered by the Supreme Court or the judiciary.
When the President does not comply with these fundamental principles incur arbitrary and placed outside the Constitution, breaking the rule of law. When this happens, the other branches of government (legislative and judicial) have a legitimate right, and moreover, the constitutional obligation to restore order to resume normal shattered country's institutions.
is the right to "constitutional self-defense," which moved from criminal law to constitutional law. In this vein, we can define "self defense" as the necessary reaction from unlawful violence or the threat, and not caused by the person relying on this justification. (Grisanti Aveledo, Hernando).
In this sense, it is said that unlawful violence is a denial of the right, because the person who perpetrates an denies unlawful violence norms enshrined in law, but instead of self-defense is the claim of right. Following
Aveledo Grisanti, self-defense is a justification, which is meant that the act done in self defense is a perfect act intrinsically justified, secundum jus an act that is perfectly suited to the legal system .
Applying these notions of criminal law to events in Honduras, we can say that the legislature, the judiciary and all the institutions in Honduras, fought legitimately against unlawful attacks by former President Zelaya, who came repeatedly violating the Constitution and flout the decisions of other branches. In defending this way the institutions mentioned, not only defending themselves, but they were also defending the whole community, in the sense that they were preventing a dangerous for the nation achieve the task that was proposed.
So, the actions taken by Congress and the Supreme Court of Honduras, were absolutely legitimate and attached to the right, acting in exercise of the "constitutional self-defense" against the myriad of abuses the legal system coming developing the former President Zelaya and are knowledge of the world.
Thus, constitutional law should develop, deepen and strengthen this theory of the right to constitutional self-defense in order to adapt to new socio-political circumstances being experienced by the planet to the existence of Presidents who are believed to be above the Constitution and can rule arbitrarily and violated human rights and the legal system, no one can curb their excesses.
Former President Zelaya acted in a harmful way and without limits, without duties and respecting the legitimate decisions of other branches. Its arbitrariness was so extreme that neither even the national budget presented to Congress as mandated by the Constitution, but ruled out of control and not accountable to anyone, as if Honduras were his personal cellar. With so many atrocities and aggressions against the constitutional order, the other powers exercised their right to self defense and took him from the presidency to restore the rule of law, applying the constitutional and whether it was making a mistake, is fully justified according to this theory of constitutional law explain here.
Consequently, the new President of Honduras is absolutely legitimate and constitutional. Legitimate, because Don Roberto Micheletti is a deputy who was elected by popular vote and also unanimously appointed Chairman of the Deputies present at the historic session that is, by all the people's representatives at the national level, so it becomes indirectly mandate of the people. Constitutional because it was appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 242 of the Honduran Constitution in force.
Moreover, the Honduran Armed Forces are monolithically support the constitutional succession of the President and not part of the new government and took power for himself. The other branches remain intact and running completely normal. Civil society and churches are happy with what happened. So, do not understand how the international community has been so blind to realize something that is as clear as spring water. But the Honduran people and their institutions must remain steadfast and continue to uphold its Constitution and democracy, because they are attached to the law and nobody has the right to require them to violate their legal system or to retract on what was a perfectly legitimate decision, justified and constitutional.
By Dr. Alvaro F. Albornoz P.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
39 Weeks White Stuff Leaking
Men of Former President
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
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Great Video on CNN Chavez
Monday, August 10, 2009
Broken Capillaries Seizure
my thoughts
nose q d q is the only thing my life is very complicated esq thank my thoughts eh not fallen into moral decay d sabn is brave to say what makes us mourn q today and I must confess I cried for q eh memories and words that I know someday I will go out of my head in my life Estapa d which I look for many things of which 90% are not mine if you like my "career" is that it is for me the more I graduated but I do for my mother happy and q some people leave me alone because they want to try to make my d the most miserable life possible and is seriously not exaggerating hey I never lies and I like to say things in the face by q are very cruel and not what you think haha \u200b\u200bI'm so weak would be dead if it were not suppose I'll give you pleasure anyone the world is perfect for everyone but my world is just perfect for me and I would share it with special people one that even people desconosco and one that I love so obviously my mother and my brother and my cat haha, know is not typical of this type in my thoughts but there are times when I'm bad and I wish the worst, but sometimes in this heart so damaged I feel good things that sounded corny haha \u200b\u200bbut so am I and so I will always be more imporatnt with my rock and my people will be important all wish him the best tight tranquilo.le who destroyed my heart let me tell you I am still here and stronger than ever. alive Panther ok ... clarify this inspiration is the end of 2007 when I finish my relationship with my ex ... the photo is from 2007 also

nose q d q is the only thing my life is very complicated esq thank my thoughts eh not fallen into moral decay d sabn is brave to say what makes us mourn q today and I must confess I cried for q eh memories and words that I know someday I will go out of my head in my life Estapa d which I look for many things of which 90% are not mine if you like my "career" is that it is for me the more I graduated but I do for my mother happy and q some people leave me alone because they want to try to make my d the most miserable life possible and is seriously not exaggerating hey I never lies and I like to say things in the face by q are very cruel and not what you think haha \u200b\u200bI'm so weak would be dead if it were not suppose I'll give you pleasure anyone the world is perfect for everyone but my world is just perfect for me and I would share it with special people one that even people desconosco and one that I love so obviously my mother and my brother and my cat haha, know is not typical of this type in my thoughts but there are times when I'm bad and I wish the worst, but sometimes in this heart so damaged I feel good things that sounded corny haha \u200b\u200bbut so am I and so I will always be more imporatnt with my rock and my people will be important all wish him the best tight tranquilo.le who destroyed my heart let me tell you I am still here and stronger than ever. alive Panther ok ... clarify this inspiration is the end of 2007 when I finish my relationship with my ex ... the photo is from 2007 also
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picture of a past and a good fucking heart!
today a simple picture of the past stirred my soul I can not believe the simplicity of human nature, the fact that something as simple do you suffer so much to change your smile tears last merciless torture and destroy the time of this when I think everything is exceeded q, forgotten, erased that feeling of loss and damages my system back, my soul cries made me do a picture suffering and change my look for a empty and full of pain. than just the memory comes and kills are at 10:13 at night in my house I saw the pictures of my mother to take her in my mind one more day and know how beautiful it is but I am in the way of all the images in particular that makes my heart stop, and stop breathing as I felt the love I can not believe how I changed everything in a second and ran to open this blog to share my story with you even if I get to know my story it is know by heart thanks for your time and let me get this out in me .... VAT will be sharing the photo that made me write this but it really hurts
today a simple picture of the past stirred my soul I can not believe the simplicity of human nature, the fact that something as simple do you suffer so much to change your smile tears last merciless torture and destroy the time of this when I think everything is exceeded q, forgotten, erased that feeling of loss and damages my system back, my soul cries made me do a picture suffering and change my look for a empty and full of pain. than just the memory comes and kills are at 10:13 at night in my house I saw the pictures of my mother to take her in my mind one more day and know how beautiful it is but I am in the way of all the images in particular that makes my heart stop, and stop breathing as I felt the love I can not believe how I changed everything in a second and ran to open this blog to share my story with you even if I get to know my story it is know by heart thanks for your time and let me get this out in me .... VAT will be sharing the photo that made me write this but it really hurts
Monday, August 3, 2009
Respiratory Air Volumes Emphysema

not knowing the fate someday walk out on me, cry inconsolably, and no one understood my pain. My ordeal at how far they had more pain you felt not being able to see you every day and I cook lunch
who cares for me more than you now I am alone in the world but I know one day be together and never let you go because you are my blood, my flesh, my everything and I air are nothing without you I love you mommy
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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for my mother let me!
never be mine but let me dream this night with your let me touch you without touching your presence let my eyes let me give you my thoughts into your soul let confusing fix your hair a bit as today is no longer entangled SABS ignore if you want to be with me do not touch it without that touch me the feeling hand and let me be yours Entregame that mouth to kiss and touch those red lips let me talk all night let me hear your melodic voice that charming laugh and let me see that eye color that is lost with the beautiful lake that is most beautiful dream about you but will always have you and enjoy your youth ....

never be mine but let me dream this night with your let me touch you without touching your presence let my eyes let me give you my thoughts into your soul let confusing fix your hair a bit as today is no longer entangled SABS ignore if you want to be with me do not touch it without that touch me the feeling hand and let me be yours Entregame that mouth to kiss and touch those red lips let me talk all night let me hear your melodic voice that charming laugh and let me see that eye color that is lost with the beautiful lake that is most beautiful dream about you but will always have you and enjoy your youth ....
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