nose q d q is the only thing my life is very complicated esq thank my thoughts eh not fallen into moral decay d sabn is brave to say what makes us mourn q today and I must confess I cried for q eh memories and words that I know someday I will go out of my head in my life Estapa d which I look for many things of which 90% are not mine if you like my "career" is that it is for me the more I graduated but I do for my mother happy and q some people leave me alone because they want to try to make my d the most miserable life possible and is seriously not exaggerating hey I never lies and I like to say things in the face by q are very cruel and not what you think haha \u200b\u200bI'm so weak would be dead if it were not suppose I'll give you pleasure anyone the world is perfect for everyone but my world is just perfect for me and I would share it with special people one that even people desconosco and one that I love so obviously my mother and my brother and my cat haha, know is not typical of this type in my thoughts but there are times when I'm bad and I wish the worst, but sometimes in this heart so damaged I feel good things that sounded corny haha \u200b\u200bbut so am I and so I will always be more imporatnt with my rock and my people will be important all wish him the best tight tranquilo.le who destroyed my heart let me tell you I am still here and stronger than ever. alive Panther ok ... clarify this inspiration is the end of 2007 when I finish my relationship with my ex ... the photo is from 2007 also
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