not had time to see this blog haha \u200b\u200bI enjoy the fact that it is public write things about my not knowing who will read it but really does not matter there will be more of someone who can understand certain things needed VECs venenno get something that is carried I consider it poison in being sad because I feel so bad not only is this sad for a man they love my story not only d that it now makes me miss my dear mama she is away for now and I'm very lack the power to embrace and cry, I cry every breast vz only she could make me feel secure them safe from evil only she could avoid many things I did not always make mistakes but regrets a case in which and with much force if the will delete certain things. it is so important to my mom is the most important people in my life I wish it forever so that is always just want to bn and that nothing and nobody will get hurt I wish I could be with her and tell me as happened in Madrid, Spain show me what you bought that made her so happy to enjoy their happiness to be part of the view it after 5 long years of absence makes me sad that you had to get away from me and my brothers a lot and miss her I feel much more that I think.
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