Sunday, September 6, 2009
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By Gustavo Abello
Chavez is not afraid nor Americans, nor Uribe, nor a coup, or the press, or Vicky Dávila.
If anything I have something clear is that Chavez is a coward.
Every time someone passes you will be faced lion kitten in a second. When the King of Spain faced in Chile was shut his mouth when former President Saca of El Salvador confronted him publicly, they chickened out and did not attend the Ibero-American Summit of 2008, when she threatened to denounce Uribe in international courts support for terrorist groups, came docile and conciliatory to the famous meeting of the OAS in Santo Domingo in 2008.
With Sweden has not broken diplomatic relations, although they who are asking for explanations of the weapons that gave the FARC, because the Europeans respects.
I'm sure Chavez is not afraid of America because he knows full well that they will never invade. In the imaginary scenario that the U.S. desperately need Venezuelan oil, which is not the case, they would not need to invade Venezuela to get it. Chavez is selling at a price so cheap, that would be ten times more expensive to take it by force.
Not only that, Chavez does not have anyone to sell more. Believe me, as it would have if I could. Venezuela's oil is very heavy in sulfur and can only be processed in refineries specially equipped for this type of oil. And in the only country where they can process these volumes is in the U.S..
In 2001, when Chavez threatened not to sell more oil to the United States, Condoleezza Rice mocked the saying that "then you have to eat." It has not anyone else who you can sell these quantities and Venezuela is an economy totally dependent on oil. If you really want to end U.S. Chavez and his revolution, simply stop buying oil and bring him out of Iraq or its own costs.
Chavez knows that there is no single reason for an American invasion, that's an old argument that Castro was successfully used to buy weapons and use them against his own people. And Chavez is doing exactly the same.
Chavez is not afraid because he knows that Uribe is a right man who will never make the same crimes he commits.
to its own people and fear Chavez lost. The will of the Venezuelan opposition is almost bowed down and feel hopeless and powerless. And do not blame them, what those people are going is horrible. Nor will
Venezuelan army where will a coup, as Chavez is well controlled. The three powers of democracy that should be idependientes, the executive, legislative and judicial, are under his control. The fourth power is the press, is very depleted in Venezuela. Democracy in Venezuela is a mere farce.
The international press, NGOs, the United States, Europe and the wider international community, already weary of Chavez's abuses and did not even pay attention. So Chavez knows that nothing will do against him. Not afraid. If unable to Fidel Castro that was just a small island least he and his barrels of oil.
So afraid to Chavez? Why the fuss?
Unlike what many believe Chavez's petrodollars are not famous enough for the Bolivarian revolution. PDVSA is in serious difficulties. Since nationalized oil exploitation, the exhausting capacity of Venezuela has been decreasing each year. PDVSA payments are late as 8 months and many companies that provide services they are tightening the nuts to pay its arrears.
have been left without foreign investment and the future of the oil business is not so clear how Venezuela many believe. Only just read a few experts in the field to know that even with the famous reserves of the Chavez speech, have neither the money nor the technology to extract that oil.
addition, government funds can not so easily be used for illegal activities of Chavez. To send money to Correa, Zelaya, Evo, Ortega, Ollanta, Piedad Cordoba, etc. ... Chavez needs a big cash that can not be detected by traditional banking systems.
Chavez needs the cash to expand its communist movement, which derives from its alliances with drug traffickers. Let solidify this point.
The famous suitcase with the million dollars they gave to the President of Argentina in his campaign, did not come from PDVSA. It was from money laundering operations, as noted in the trial held in Miami in this regard.
General Hugo Armando Carvajal (Director of the Division of Military Intelligence) has been the only head of Military Intelligence in Latin America which the U.S. has implemented the Kingpin Act Foreign Narcotics (1999) , known as the Kingpin Act.
General Carvajal also given 11 months in the infamous "Clinton List" (the same where they find the Rodriguez Orejuela) and therefore has frozen and has properties in the United States can not conduct business with entities of that country anywhere in the world. We're talking about a Venezuelan general.
This month, the Washington Post Journal published an article with information about Chavez's relationship with drug trafficking, which listed below:
"A July report from the General Accounting Office U.S. (GAO, for its acronym in English) found that Venezuela has become a transit route for Colombian cocaine, 60% of which is exported by the FARC. The GAO also found that senior members of the Chavez government and the Venezuelan military are complicit. 'According to U.S. officials, corruption within the National Guard of Venezuela represents the most significant threat because the Guard reports directly to President Chávez and controls the airports, borders and ports of Venezuela, "says the document from the GAO. [1]
Clinton in the same list appear two other former officials of the Chavez government: Henry de Jesus Rangel, former director of the Political Police, sinks and Captain (r) Ramon Emilio Rodriguez Chacin, a former minister of Justice and the Interior. The latter is known as the contact between Chavez and the FARC.
These two individuals are aligned with a drug cartel in Arauca, known as the "Clan of Brothers Rivers" and the tenth of the guerrilla front.
The most serious of all this is that the crimes were committed against them when they were active members of the Chavez government.
there's more ...
José Ignacio Chauvin, who is the former Undersecretary for Policy Coordination of Ecuador's president, is on trial for his links with the clan of brothers Ostaiza known drug traffickers. According to evidence from Reyes's computer mail, we sent these guys $ 400,000 Correa's campaign at the request of the FARC. That is exactly the same number that Correa was never able to explain their origin, when auditing the accounts of his campaign. [2]
Chauvin was the right hand of former interior minister of Ecuador, Gustavo Larrea. In the diaries of the famous Chauvín found evidence Larrea meetings with the FARC in which Correa allegedly knew nothing. All this happened while both were active members of the government of Ecuador.
And more ...
Letters of Kings are details of the relationship between the FARC and the Democratic Unification Party (UD) of Honduras. This is the only party in Honduras supporting the return of President Zelaya. Recently, the de facto government of Honduras showed evidence of money sent by the FARC to this group, to fund the popular demonstrations in favor of Zelaya (which incidentally are very anemic).
Honduras is the bridge required for drug-laden planes refuel with petrol before arriving in Mexico and the United States. In Honduras there is an agreement between the government and the United States to operate the Soto Cano base. The same style to the agreement between Colombia and the United States under Plan Colombia and is soon to be expanded.
Soto Cano base is home to the "Joint Task Force Bravo (JTF-B) U.S. made by army, air forces, joint security forces and the first battalion, regiment 228, American aviation. There are approximately 600 people and 18 combat aircraft, including UH-60 Blackhawk and CH-47 Chinook. It is also used for anti-drug operations.
Because they believe that Chavez is so obsessed with Honduras? Because it forced route of drug trafficking and that basis is another headache. And the only way to take them out is with the arrival of the Bolivarian revolution.
If you have something in common Chavez, Correa, Evo, Ortega and Zelaya, is that hate the DEA. Did everything to torpedo his work. These five need the drug money to finance its expansion plans, saving for old age and stay out of legal problems and tracking of accounts.
With that money can buy consciences illegal, finance political campaigns, arming the FARC and destabilize governments. And no one in Latin America can prove anything.
The greatest enemy with drug trafficking and Chavez allies are the aircraft of the United States government. Those planes are so advanced spy technology that overcomes the most feverish imaginations.
This technology has intercepted communications of the FARC, to the extent that they have to use mails human. With this technology, they tricked the FARC in the famous Operation Jaque where Ingrid Betancourt freed. From there out the evidence for court cases of the Venezuelan government officials and Ecuador.
The plane P-3 Orion [3] detects submarines which are carrying the drugs to Mexico. A drug dealers costing them millions of dollars a year the presence of these aircraft in the Colombian Pacific coast.
While these planes are on the sky of Colombia, Chavez, Correa and the FARC, are exposed to them to discover all its diabolical plans. They imagine everything that could make these crooks without American supervision on Colombia and Honduras?
To which Chavez is afraid to finish in a U.S. prison, just how it ended Manuel Noriega's former dictator of Panama. These aircraft are all day listening to conversations, intercepting radio, monitoring activities. And its range does not stop at the line of the border between Colombia and Venezuela and Ecuador. Hence, all tests will in future be processed Chavez for drug trafficking, money laundering, etc. ...
Can you imagine how much money can they be offering the drug lords Chavez to do the impossible to get those planes there? With so little money Bolivarian finance how three revolutions together.
Behind all this show of Chavez are the major drug lords with their damn money and corrupting. Allied with Chávez and his cronies, these gangsters are destabilizing peace in Latin America. Something on a smaller scale and we live in Colombia, only that this is a mega Latin American version of our war against drugs.
I know that this article is very long, but there is a point.
While those American planes are flying over Colombia, the famous Sukois are as dangerous as they threw paper airplanes at school in geography class. Warplanes have a limited radar, basically flying blind long-range missions. Need the help of military radar to identify enemy planes and Venezuela does not have that radar.
In the unlikely event that Venezuela Air Force would conduct an operation against Colombia, the planes would be shot down by a missile that they never know where it came from. Although Colombia has only 5 short-range military radar, the U.S. E-3 aircraft (the big radar on the fuselage) [4] can cover the Colombian territory with ease. They detect the Sukois in good time to organize a proper defense. If
Sukois downed, no one could prove whether the missile ever used came from a K-fir Colombian or American F-22 (known as the invisible plane). And Chavez knows. All the millions spent on these planes are unsuitable for their expansion plans while American planes are in the sky of Colombia.
So for these aircraft represent a major impediment to their evil plans. And will do everything possible to get them out of Colombia and Honduras.
But this time the wrong country. In Colombia things are a different price. Gustavo Abello
PD Response
vice chancellor for Latin America and the Caribbean Francisco Arias Cárdenas, when asked "How can stop a flea on an elephant?", Referring to Colombia could not control the U.S. military when these bases are in Colombia.
This is my answer to you, Mr. Cárdenas: Why does an elephant need the help of a flea, to step one inch smaller?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
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Under the management of Mr. Jose Manuel Insulza, Chilean Socialist Party member, the Organization of American States (OAS), has fallen to levels undreamed of mistake and little credibility.
The OAS, which is not really an organization of "States" if not an organization of "Presidents", which within it are organized into groups of similar ideological, left or right to manage and give direction that suits their interests. Interests do not necessarily seek to strengthen democracy.
Since the conclusion of the summit of the OAS held between 3 and June 5, 2009, in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, in which one of the main topics was the re-entry of Cuba into the fold of the OAS the agency took a course strange, almost wrong, because with the implementation of some clauses, Cuba could return.
The double standard or double standard "of the OAS and José Manuel Insulza, is evident as Honduras meets all "clauses" that the OAS, calls to Cuba. Fulfilling these clauses, Cuba can return to the Organization of American States OAS, but not Honduras, which was excluded from the Agency of American States, at nearly the speed of lightning, probably breaking some "Guinness record," after Manuel Zelaya to be removed and replaced by the Sovereign National Congress, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Honduras, in the person of Roberto Micheletti Bain.
Cuba, through its "representative", Fidel Castro, said "they were not interested in joining that body, which it considers irrelevant and obsolete.
The OAS Charter provides that members must be countries with democratic governments, representative and pluralistic, provisions were not respected in Venezuela, where Hugo Chávez, coercing, and "crush" opponents, who decide, the better not appear to participate in elections. But in this case, neither the OAS nor Mr. Insulza, are pronounced, and investigate possible causes, they merely say, "are internal problems in Venezuela and we can not interfere in them."
Among the essential purposes of the OAS, is: To strengthen peace and security of the continent; in this case, the OAS does not work, since the growth of so-called Socialism of the XXI Century, also known as Chavismo warmongers and their associations with countries like Iran, undermine peace and security of the peoples of Latin America.
Another primary purpose of the OAS, is: To promote and consolidate representative democracy, respect for the principle of nonintervention in the case of Honduras, the OAS and its Secretary General Mr. Insulza, has not met this goal since the intervention by the "imposition" of the return of Zelaya, is more than evident. Also
OAS Purpose: To prevent possible causes of difficulties and ensure the peaceful settlement of disputes between Member States. The situation in Honduras, it happened on June 28 was a situation that had been developing for many months, however, the OAS and Insulza did not realize it, could not foresee this situation and in ensuring the peaceful settlement of disputes between Member States, the OAS also shown greater interest in avoiding conflict, not Venezuela warn about the threats to our sovereignty and interference in internal affairs of the State of Honduras.
The OAS, during the administration of Mr. Insulza has lost its way and the purposes for which it was created, that institution, which at the discretion of Raúl Castro, "has to go" under the influence of Insulza this should be taken seriously.
The OAS, with Insulza, has become a "legitimizing" of dictatorship through democratic elections and changes in the constitution, as is happening in Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, as currently intended as intended Nicaragua do in Honduras.
Mr. Insulza made a visit on the first day of July 2009 to "impose" the "unconditional return" of Manuel Zelaya, Honduras otherwise expel the OAS action made without hearing the legal arguments of the Supreme Court described in our Constitution, which was dismissed by Mr. Manuel Zelaya.
During this visit to Honduras, Mr. Insulza, refused to meet with President Roberto Micheletti for "not legitimate", ironically and paradoxically, this same Mr. Insulza, believes that Fidel Castro is a source of "legitimacy" Cuba.
Honduras, knowing that Mr. Insulza, who controls the OAS, as his private estate, would fulfill his threat to expel Honduras to the OAS, denounced the Charter of the OAS, in accordance with the provisions of Article 143 of the same. In
view and with the agreement, with an attitude "irresponsibly permissive," the OAS, with the "manipulations" of Mr. Insulza, enables and supports the Brothers Castro of Cuba, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Evo Morales of Bolivia, Daniel Ortega Nicaragua, are those who give "lecture to the world" Democracy.
-called ALBA countries (Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America and the Caribbean) exert pressure "block" within the OAS, supported by the same Insulza.
All countries adhering to Alba, a project of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, using the same "script" written carefully Fidel Castro, to mount a "work", or rather a "cheap circus act," seeking to divide society and opinion, and encourage violence, with the old strategy of "class struggle." Then strategically and by "popular consultation" to polls, regardless of the law, coerce and pressure the National Congress to remove any "obstacle" or "law" that prevents reelection.
The presidential term is the "bug" which is "biting the majority" of American presidents, while some want to rule by "indefinite", it really is nothing but a dictatorship, although it has been reached by democratic means.
These are the new "democratic dictatorship" in the current era, which is proposing the disrespectful Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, through his "Socialism of the XXI century, in full view of the Organization of American States (OAS) and its Secretary General, José Miguel Insulza, who apparently experienced "selective myopia", come and see little, when they put their eyes on Venezuela.
The OAS, through Insulza, has tried to "impose" the reinstatement of deposed Manuel Zelaya, who is a supporter of Chavez and Castro, and member self-styled Socialist XXI Century, which seeks to impose a new "imperialist-expansionist Chavez-Castro" antagonistic to what they call "Yankee imperialism."
In Honduras, from the earliest days of constitutional succession, which was chosen as successor to Roberto Micheletti Manuel Zelaya, the OAS tried to coerce, political and economic sanctions, the government of Micheletti, committing an act of total disrespect our country, its laws and self-determination of peoples, "of course" slogan of the OAS.
On July 24, 2009, a group of foreign ministers arrived in Honduras, among them were Foreign Minister Canada, Peter Kent, of Argentina, Jorge Taiana, of Costa Rica, Bruno Stagno, of Jamaica, Kenneth Baugh, of Mexico, Patricia Espinosa, the Dominican Republic, Carlos Morales Troncoso and Panama, Juan Carlos Varela, and the Secretary General OAS, Mr. Insulza as an observer of course.
Argentina's foreign minister, Jorge Taiana, is the same as on Friday, July 4, 1975, bombed with the aim of killing a naval officer. Two people were killed. A waiter and a woman, and several were wounded.
Costa Rica's foreign minister, Bruno Stagno, who has been with the President of Costa Rica, Oscar Arias, who acts as mediator in the conflict in Honduras his arrival in the country, said: "looking for insights spaces of the San José, which is balanced, balanced, allowing a peaceful, democratic, respectful of the Constitution and laws of Honduras."
But the San Jose Accord, as they call the document drafted and proposed by Mr. Oscar Arias, is not balanced, or balanced and does not respect our constitution, and it is obvious that Mr. Stagno, has not read our constitution and if you've read, he could not "digest" or understand.
Zelaya and several of his ministers, as well as common crimes investigations for threatening face shape government, treason, abuse of power and abuse of authority, among other crimes.
Honduras, shown bold and defiant to the world, emulating the Biblical story of David and Goliath.
Many wonder: Will the world and the OAS, wrong in asking for the return of Zelaya as president of Honduras?
never answers a question with another question, obviaré this rule and answer with a question, Are they wrong, the Supreme Court, Congress, the Public Prosecutor, the Attorney General of the Republic, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, the Church Catholic, Evangelical, 4 of 5 political parties including the Zelaya, Armed Forces, private enterprise and a large part of Honduran citizens, not to allow the return of Zelaya as president of Honduras?
These are questions still unanswered.
What we do know is that almost every country in the world, they want back Manuel Zelaya as President of Honduras, Honduran and fewer institutions.
Restitution of Zelaya as President of the Republic of Honduras would mean that our Supreme Court, Congress, the Public Prosecutor, the Attorney General of the Republic, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Armed Forces, were wrong and that "The Constitution and Laws "have no legal status in Honduras.
Within three months, Honduras, will be making his Presidential Election, all presidential candidates, were elected through internal elections each political party during the administration of Manuel Zelaya.
The OAS, through José Miguel Insulza, has said repeatedly that the president-elect, the result of the general elections of November 29, 2009, will not be recognized by the OAS.
Apparently the OAS, Insulza, has changed its ideology and democratic principles, to become a "puppet" who danced to, of Hugo Chavez which had called "asshole" Insulza, on several occasions.
Why the military dictatorship of Cuba, can return to the OAS, I get called for presidential elections? Honduras And why not?
That is the question that the discredited Organization of American States OAS, should answer.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
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Honduras The events mark the beginning of a new constitutional doctrine. The Presidents elected by the people not licensed to commit crime or to violate the Constitution of his country. A president should respect the law and submit to it. That means to be supported the principle of legality and the principle of separation of functions of public bodies.
This means that a President can not perform activities that are not expressly set out its duties in the legal standards of a nation. It must also abide by and be subject to the laws as enacted by the Congress or legislature as to the judgments rendered by the Supreme Court or the judiciary.
When the President does not comply with these fundamental principles incur arbitrary and placed outside the Constitution, breaking the rule of law. When this happens, the other branches of government (legislative and judicial) have a legitimate right, and moreover, the constitutional obligation to restore order to resume normal shattered country's institutions.
is the right to "constitutional self-defense," which moved from criminal law to constitutional law. In this vein, we can define "self defense" as the necessary reaction from unlawful violence or the threat, and not caused by the person relying on this justification. (Grisanti Aveledo, Hernando).
In this sense, it is said that unlawful violence is a denial of the right, because the person who perpetrates an denies unlawful violence norms enshrined in law, but instead of self-defense is the claim of right. Following
Aveledo Grisanti, self-defense is a justification, which is meant that the act done in self defense is a perfect act intrinsically justified, secundum jus an act that is perfectly suited to the legal system .
Applying these notions of criminal law to events in Honduras, we can say that the legislature, the judiciary and all the institutions in Honduras, fought legitimately against unlawful attacks by former President Zelaya, who came repeatedly violating the Constitution and flout the decisions of other branches. In defending this way the institutions mentioned, not only defending themselves, but they were also defending the whole community, in the sense that they were preventing a dangerous for the nation achieve the task that was proposed.
So, the actions taken by Congress and the Supreme Court of Honduras, were absolutely legitimate and attached to the right, acting in exercise of the "constitutional self-defense" against the myriad of abuses the legal system coming developing the former President Zelaya and are knowledge of the world.
Thus, constitutional law should develop, deepen and strengthen this theory of the right to constitutional self-defense in order to adapt to new socio-political circumstances being experienced by the planet to the existence of Presidents who are believed to be above the Constitution and can rule arbitrarily and violated human rights and the legal system, no one can curb their excesses.
Former President Zelaya acted in a harmful way and without limits, without duties and respecting the legitimate decisions of other branches. Its arbitrariness was so extreme that neither even the national budget presented to Congress as mandated by the Constitution, but ruled out of control and not accountable to anyone, as if Honduras were his personal cellar. With so many atrocities and aggressions against the constitutional order, the other powers exercised their right to self defense and took him from the presidency to restore the rule of law, applying the constitutional and whether it was making a mistake, is fully justified according to this theory of constitutional law explain here.
Consequently, the new President of Honduras is absolutely legitimate and constitutional. Legitimate, because Don Roberto Micheletti is a deputy who was elected by popular vote and also unanimously appointed Chairman of the Deputies present at the historic session that is, by all the people's representatives at the national level, so it becomes indirectly mandate of the people. Constitutional because it was appointed in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 242 of the Honduran Constitution in force.
Moreover, the Honduran Armed Forces are monolithically support the constitutional succession of the President and not part of the new government and took power for himself. The other branches remain intact and running completely normal. Civil society and churches are happy with what happened. So, do not understand how the international community has been so blind to realize something that is as clear as spring water. But the Honduran people and their institutions must remain steadfast and continue to uphold its Constitution and democracy, because they are attached to the law and nobody has the right to require them to violate their legal system or to retract on what was a perfectly legitimate decision, justified and constitutional.
By Dr. Alvaro F. Albornoz P.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
39 Weeks White Stuff Leaking
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bible Black Ep 3 Sub Eng Streaming
Monday, August 10, 2009
Broken Capillaries Seizure

nose q d q is the only thing my life is very complicated esq thank my thoughts eh not fallen into moral decay d sabn is brave to say what makes us mourn q today and I must confess I cried for q eh memories and words that I know someday I will go out of my head in my life Estapa d which I look for many things of which 90% are not mine if you like my "career" is that it is for me the more I graduated but I do for my mother happy and q some people leave me alone because they want to try to make my d the most miserable life possible and is seriously not exaggerating hey I never lies and I like to say things in the face by q are very cruel and not what you think haha \u200b\u200bI'm so weak would be dead if it were not suppose I'll give you pleasure anyone the world is perfect for everyone but my world is just perfect for me and I would share it with special people one that even people desconosco and one that I love so obviously my mother and my brother and my cat haha, know is not typical of this type in my thoughts but there are times when I'm bad and I wish the worst, but sometimes in this heart so damaged I feel good things that sounded corny haha \u200b\u200bbut so am I and so I will always be more imporatnt with my rock and my people will be important all wish him the best tight tranquilo.le who destroyed my heart let me tell you I am still here and stronger than ever. alive Panther ok ... clarify this inspiration is the end of 2007 when I finish my relationship with my ex ... the photo is from 2007 also
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today a simple picture of the past stirred my soul I can not believe the simplicity of human nature, the fact that something as simple do you suffer so much to change your smile tears last merciless torture and destroy the time of this when I think everything is exceeded q, forgotten, erased that feeling of loss and damages my system back, my soul cries made me do a picture suffering and change my look for a empty and full of pain. than just the memory comes and kills are at 10:13 at night in my house I saw the pictures of my mother to take her in my mind one more day and know how beautiful it is but I am in the way of all the images in particular that makes my heart stop, and stop breathing as I felt the love I can not believe how I changed everything in a second and ran to open this blog to share my story with you even if I get to know my story it is know by heart thanks for your time and let me get this out in me .... VAT will be sharing the photo that made me write this but it really hurts
Monday, August 3, 2009
Respiratory Air Volumes Emphysema

not knowing the fate someday walk out on me, cry inconsolably, and no one understood my pain. My ordeal at how far they had more pain you felt not being able to see you every day and I cook lunch
who cares for me more than you now I am alone in the world but I know one day be together and never let you go because you are my blood, my flesh, my everything and I air are nothing without you I love you mommy
Sunday, August 2, 2009
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never be mine but let me dream this night with your let me touch you without touching your presence let my eyes let me give you my thoughts into your soul let confusing fix your hair a bit as today is no longer entangled SABS ignore if you want to be with me do not touch it without that touch me the feeling hand and let me be yours Entregame that mouth to kiss and touch those red lips let me talk all night let me hear your melodic voice that charming laugh and let me see that eye color that is lost with the beautiful lake that is most beautiful dream about you but will always have you and enjoy your youth ....
Friday, July 31, 2009
How Long Can You Keep Waffles In The Refrig
15 Month Old Has 96.5 Temperature
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
What Ethnicity Suffers From Albinism?
Remember this letter:
"given the polarized political situation that has arisen, which has led to the unleashing of a national conflict that has eroded my political base, and due to insurmountable health problems prevented me from concentrating on the issues of the State, comply with the duty to file my irrevocable resignation as President of the Republic, together with the my Cabinet, effective as of this date.
With my resignation I hope to heal the wounds of the national political environment. " The letter is addressed to Roberto Micheletti, president of the NC.
One theory was that they had reached a deal, if it had been signed to another country, unless he signed it would go directly to jail.
And the other was false.
But we accepted the same because at the time of his capture was not the president.
Talking with friends and a lawyer, just met, and worked very close to God by ex-president Mel, but disagreed with his performance.
We showed something as common and wild creatures we did not idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is capable when you know the flow of legislation.
As we all know Mel was intended to make your survey and immediately convene a National Constituent Assembly (ANC) based on results of his decree and fraudulent "survey popular" for the next day after the big party that was organizing at the Presidential House amanecieramos "package." Would dissolve the three branches of government, the prune Legislative (Congress), the judiciary (Supreme Court) and the executive branch - the latter would have to have him as President -. Automatically
representatives and dependents of these three powers are discarded for president or even to be part of an ANC, reckoned he and his cabinet (unless you choose some people to that end ... but who or whom would you choose?). He sent the resignation
dated June 25 and seal the presidential palace and read to be given either Sunday 28 or Monday as presidential correspondence. Would be that available, would be a citizen, and obviously as a leader of the "popular survey" would be the president of the ANC and their beloved ministers (ex-ministers at the time) installed in place in that assembly, making and breaking at will.
There is no doubt that God exists.
If it was not as stubborn as he had other in the CN that opposed him.
If it were not in the armed forces this Romeo Vasquez who does not accept the bribe of the afternoon of 10 million dollars which is why it was removed.
Lords owe thanks to God.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
How Is Goiter Contracted

love double-edged sword, comes without warning t make magic enters the heart you blind without further word without getting you mad reason love and end up hating the end porq love destroys you but who is the guide to not suffer is part of life has no explanation I can say esq love is a deadly weapon as seductive as tempting so happy ah no love ah not lived is a very important part is the story of your life the most touching, the greatest love is even more suffering than q represents the name you love being in love with someone to share laughter and feel like an idiot in the enjoy the night clouds and draw the eye to capture eternal soul wonder how I can write this as I say I enjoyed it lived and died for love thanks to the address these palbras the bottom of my experience q for the love you give yourself and that apart from the marvelous q true wrote on this blog I want to give some advice never cling to a person sound more difficult if q t leave not throw you to die if no follow up and remember the good as the wounds heal the scars aunq forever .. thanks
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ozark Replacement Rainfly

I consider myself a person enjoys rock q I do not judge the other genres but really no way to tell me that this is the best is rarely the person who comes to understand the lyrics and it will go of his being is really very delicious having the music in our lives when the particular rock that one does feel relaxed and able to get all the repressed aunq be for 3 minutes or longer duration of the song would be more if Pink Floyd haha but I want q demonstrate my point is to live in a balance that represents the rock for me there all the heavy type to love ballads or q is to mourn the rock has all the feelings that is why it is only less pressure .. no other but alos send rock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Barometric Pressure Readings For January
Barritos En Los Genitales

still do not feel inspired because I've let dumped somewhere, through which I inadvertently got lost I can not believe how fast you lose in q perhaps just inspired by a desepcion but I can say life is so no one said it would the gift is easy to take care and keep it without allowing anybody to interfere with the desires and what one makes him no more special to say the left promising to return with something to touch your mind ..... q kaz att
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bushnell Trophy Mp Ar15
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Fromal Letter To A Car Company

16-year-old Kyoko Mogami, barely graduated from high school arrives in Tokyo together with his childhood friend Fuvoy Shaw, in which secret lovers. Shaw wants to become the brightest star in show business. For the sake of this dream, Kyoko is working tirelessly, completely forgetting about himself, but the closer to the goal of becoming Shaw, the more it moves away from it. Accidentally learned that Shaw was only a housekeeper, Kyoko swears revenge on him, made their way to the top of the star Olympus. Will her this about it you'll learn watching anime. Filmed on the manga of the same name. Add to themselves that the anime is even nothing, care about only one thing, no matter how stretched the series.
1 episode
Thesis Raisin In The Sun
Separating Draw a horizontal line
curve along ekvatora first oval. On this line will be located corners of the eyes. Draw another curve on it, a distance of about a quarter from the center of the oval to its top. In this line, we place the eyebrow. Then draw a vertical curve otzerkalennuyu and elongated letter "C", starting from the top of both ovals to the bottom. This line will run along the center of the face (as she looks right, the elongated line will pass very close to the edge of the face). Draw a new curve, which divides the lower face. It will be located the tip of the nose. The next curve divide what is left from the bottom, thus denoting the line of his mouth. Finally, the hairline, which is located midway between the eyebrow line and the top of the skull.
From this point forward will be a little harder.
I usually start from the edge of the person holding the line on the place, just above the eyebrows, and long-distance to the bottom of the chin. I draw a slightly curved letter "S" so that The first "dent" passed through the corners of his eyes. Then I go into an oval shape and lead the line down, bending to the left near the line, which will be the tip of the nose. I single out a few chin, holding the line right and then go on to pursue a line along the left edge of the oval, but a little smoother to give the jaw Conoco Hagen. And do not forget to add a line to the forehead (I usually paint it before drawing the hair).
anime features
What makes a person anime? Thing in common - great eyes that make the character more expressive (Disney, too, use it. The shape and size of the eye usually reflect the type of personality your character). But large eyes is not all. As in any animation, the simpler lines - the easier it is to animate, which means that different people can draw a few hundred characters times a day while one image will not differ from drugogo.Takim way, facial features are simplified, which makes them anime (at least up Karine 's more broadest sense of the word).
Draw a pointy eyebrows just above the eyebrows, which we leave for them. Remember that the eyebrow, located farther from us will be shorter and the angle more acute than in one that is closer to us. Widest part of your eyebrow is lower than thin and close to the nose. The stronger You will tilt it and move towards the eyebrows, the angrier will look Conoco. If you wish, for such a frowning glance can add a wrinkle to the forehead.
eyelashes need to draw one piece with a few scattered cilia,
classified by the direction of the base. The iris must be quite large and not
fully visible (upper eyelid closes). Conoco eyes narrow slightly, the similarity of almonds or an elongated egg
with wider edge of the outer part. Lower eyelid does not need to draw completely.
Apply a few light lines for his notation. Lower eyelid - it's a little arched
curve, the lower part of which is directed to the outer corners of eyes.
Most anime noses barely indicate the shape of the nose, and sometimes just shadow
him. For this exercise, draw a slightly curved line, from
intersection of the vertical mid-line of the face and nose and lead it to the right-up by
diagonal. This will be the lower part of the nose. Bridge starts at the same
center line just above the upper eyelid, and should not be too long.
one visible ear - inclined-C, that divides the space between the eye-direction-line and bow-guide-line, beginning with the intersection eye-guide line and the left edge (edge) of the first oval. Put the piece in moderation. Look at your own ears, or a friendly ear to decide detail to draw four lines should be enough).
Lips Lips should not be located too far from the tip of the nose. Note that vpadinka above the upper lip
also located on the center line of the face. Conoco lips are thin, especially the upper.
Well, get down to the neck. The rear part is behind the ear, front - comes from the bottom
oval in his cheek. Do not make too direct a line, otherwise it will look a little
mechanical and stiff, do not do too short - Conoco will
brutal, and if the draw is too long - it will look fragile.
And finally, the hair. The line of hair growth is not must be perfectly straight or triangular. It should look like a flat curve. Bangs slightly separated left (right up to you). The longest strand bangs should be the first or second of three right (left from you). Two strands of the left (right up to you) is shorter than the right (left of you - not yet confused?). Draw long strands of hair coming up. The back of the hair growing up and goes into the line in a smooth S, then falling down, it almost reaches the base Skull and expands again as a small C, almost reaching the base of the neck. Hair is better to draw a large mass, rather than small strands (although if you add pryadok little, it would look cool). When drawing a curving line, lead them toward you. Turn the paper to the right or left, depending on where the line goes. If you - right-hander, it can be awkward to draw a line that goes right, ie where your hand rests on the table, so turn the paper. Even better, both for right-handers and left-handed, lifted his hand from the table and draw curls movement throughout the hand. To make hair look more natural Do not forget to add a few strands going in another direction.
That's it! If you really want to draw well, practice as much as possible more!
Original article: ... awingkonoko.htm
Denise Milani At Computer
For who draws anime (Kawainui) art. And as for those who want to learn draw it! Exclusive!
72 works (of art), and 4 video, the artist Rika Kamiyoshi, to create the following activities:
all under Kawainui music!
The artist works in Comic Studio3.0EX (Manga Studio), Photoshop Elements 5.0 and SAI (Japanese painting program).
Fun Invitation Letter

from the proposed lessons you learn what you need tools drawing, history, anime and manga, biographies, and names of famous mangaka (manga artists). And also learn how to draw manga heroes themselves: what is necessary background how to draw eyes, hair, figure out how to convey character, how to paint in Photoshop, etc.
Gift For Sympathy For Mother-in-law
wallpapers high resolution (HDTV) from the famous anime Soul Eater. Very nice look on your desktop.
Quantity: 48 pcs.
Format: JPG
Size: 17,1 MB
Friday, March 13, 2009
Mimosa Bridal Shower Invitations
Eat or devour you! Detection of drifting, a rescue capsule implies another threat to the "Nirvana", whose crew replenished with two new members. Aliens, the origin of which nearly the mystery, attack "Nirvana" increasingly sophisticated ways. Team desperately resisting the ship itself is undergoing a surprising transformation, and the tragic chain of events leads to the unthinkable result: Bart grows up!
Does Brent Everett Have A Yahoo Messenger

This is the story of a young and tragic love, was born in the city of Neo Verona air. Tyranny runs this island in the sky after 14 years ago, the Montague family took power. The difference between rich and poor in this country is evident, the earth dries and water stagnates. The sky is shrouded in a deep dense fog. Like Romeo and Juliet come from current and former ruling families of Neo Verona. Romeo - the son of the current dictator Montague, Juliet is hiding under the guise of men, she - the last descendant of a family of previous rulers who were brutally murdered 14 years ago. The truth about her past should not be disclosed until it reaches the age of 16. Cruel fate brings them together, they are destined to become the "Lovers Crossing Stars."
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Cheap Track And Field Backpacks

Rarity !!!:) Anime of 1969. Remember watching him in his childhood and very breathtaking. I propose to refresh the feelings;)
Drink \\ "Boa Juce \\" and you'll be happy - from all angles, shouting ads. But, for some reason, those who drink this divine drink, turn into a pile of clothes and a dirty puddle ... Mysterious Monster Boa plans one after another to destroy all people on Earth ... Yes, and terrifying Ghost Ship appears moonless night off the coast of Tokyo. Captain-Skeleton manages this terrible ship. Will the small Hayato find a terrible secret ghost ship? That hides the base on the ocean floor? Who sent the Giant Gigrobota, killing parents Hayato, to destroy the city?