Monday, October 18, 2010

Crystals For Polycystic

Russia supported the terrorist attacks in Tajikistan?

[Политика.Таджикистан.Терракты in Tajikistan]
That is, at last, says the news magazine "Russian NewsWeek" .
Anyone who has read at least one issue of this magazine to understand how this magazine is set to the Russian government, Russia, in general, and the West.
Why finally? Yes just yesterday published the latest issue of socio-political magazine:
publishing house Axel Springer Russia \u0026lt;...> decided not to renew the license agreement with Newsweek Inc., in force since 2004, including including the right to publish in Russian political magazine "Russian Newsweek ».
I basically understand it, "bad is the Democrat who finally is not shit"-like Zhirinovsky said, at some concert ...

about these events, I wrote back in September: "Tajikistan is burning" democracy ", which the U.S. brought to Afghanistan" - .
And now I come to what it says our "independent" journal. you imagine if the Russian The newspaper will come out in the U.S. ... Then it will be necessary to change the U.S. legislation that would give the right to place a person to a psychiatric hospital, called the "Russian U.S. newspapers' independent ... Likewise here ...
InformAgenstvo Regnum developments in Tajikistan says so: But, clearly, until the wind blows, the leaves tree is not kolyhnutsya. On the participation of third parties say many of the facts, but nobody really calls: who or what kind of force.
And that assumes the "Russian NewsWeek"? Here's what:
"\u0026lt;...> the latest developments in Rasht involved in Russia, which somehow did not hit Tajikistan. Potential stakeholders journal also calls Uzbekistan, who was angry at the official Dushanbe for his venture to complete the Rogun ... "- material
But immediately after this message goes out the interview with first deputy director of the Center for Strategic Studies under the President (SRC) RT Saifullo Safarov.
He argues that
"it confirms the presence of the militants more funds for the acquisition of weapons. "Without external financing, they are unlikely to have funding for the purchase of weapons" - sure Safarov. Head of External Relations CSR Abdunabi Sattorzoda, noted that the instability in Tajikistan may not be interested in countries such as Uzbekistan and Russia, "at which point some experts. "Destabilization of the situation in Tajikistan and also threatens their security, because in an unstable environment, not all parts of the boundary can be fully protected, "- says Sattorzoda." Uzbekistan itself in fighting terrorism. In the deteriorating situation in Tajikistan may be interested individual organizations, such as Hizb-ut-Tahrir "
I think Head of Relations CSR knows and understands more than the magazine, which has been closed due to irrelevance or inappropriate.
And now, little information on the organization Hizb-ut-Tahir "
  • was established in 1953 in Jerusalem
  • Was founded as a "subsidiary company" terrorist organization "Muslim Brothers"
  • She recognized it as a terrorist, some countries of Central Asia and Russia
  • U.S. and Western countries do not recognize a terrorist
Here it is! The most "fierce fighters" against terrorism, do not recognize a terrorist organization. What does it mean? I think the way you want and right ... These countries will benefit from the activities of this organization, and it is possible, I think, even far from impossible that She gets some financial support from places remote))

Thus here ...
You acknowledge any terrorist organization, they do not recognize ... They recognize, you do not recognize ... Where is it? What is it? And it's not, here is a purely political calculation!
At this time, could not they play the card, on which, Russia would be posobnitsey anti-state events in Tajikistan. But this was not all over, we will wait another story ...

And what do you think You, dear readers? What is your opinion on this?
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