[CNN. Russia Today. Stories with the subtext] More Late last year, London has launched an advertising company Russian English-language channel «Russia Today» (RT).
The purpose of this channel is the same as that of the order same CNN, BBC, EuroNews, etc. But she is unwilling to lose the information war and deliver to the residents of other states 'correct' in terms of their country, views on certain events. in various newspapers and on billboards along major highways in the UK there is very interesting materials.
Poster number 1
"who pose the greatest nuclear threat?"
"Climate change: a scientific fact or science fiction "
Poster № 3
"Who is more dangerous?"
Poster № 4
"What are the most powerful weapon? "
Poster number 5
After the publication of these posters, I waited for an answer from by the BBC or CNN. I had wait very long, almost a year.
October 27 2010go year in Turkey, launched an advertising campaign called CNN «Stories with the full background» (Stories from the subtext)
Poster number 1
Poster number 2
Poster № 3
especially liked the comparison of Putin with Ahmadinejad. I do not understand, can we also have no right to nuclear weapons ?)))) Yeah, it is necessary to abandon it, once they are so eager to
Still, that they are already going to abandon the dollar. It was created and prints PRIVATE bench in the U.S.. What does the Arab sheiks?
Another interesting is the venue for the campaign. Where, where, but in other countries more demokartii will be easier to agree on the placement of the same provocative posters, like Russia Today. Why Turkey? Maybe because it is Turkey's rapprochement with Russia not only politically, but also at the societal level and the need to break it trend? Maybe all ... I think action is mnogohodovkoy. See a lot of interesting from both an "independent" RT, and from the other "independent" channels and magazines.
What you have any suggestions? What other versions of posters have you? Best deals are processed, created, deployed on the blog with the indication of the author and a separate post about it. Waiting for your suggestions, dear readers ...
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