Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is Yellow Brown Pus In Conch Piercing

to Haiti. Help or exciting? ... Cholera epidemic in Haiti?

[Haiti. Earthquake in Haiti. The cholera epidemic]
Again exaggerated News about Haiti. You are, after all else, do not forget the "what" it "where" this "when"
this? After the earthquake, I wrote an article that I want to re-publish today and to supplement the news from our present life.
That Article 9 month old ...

"All we know about the terrible earthquake that occurred on Jan. 12 off the coast of Haiti. I think that before this catastrophe, many did not even know the geographic location of this island, but now everybody knows that He is close to Cuba, one of the Latin American enemies "democrats" XXI century. So, let's not go into the environmental and social consequences of the earthquake, although they are very important. Let us examine the political aspects of this issue.

all know and have heard the phrase that politics is dirty business. I basically agree with her, but said otherwise. Politics is a dirty business, but it is by and for the sake of the economy. That is, it turns out that not only dirty policy, but "fair and square," the economy.

the sake of achieving political and hence economic, goals, people worked very bad things. Well they worked only if it was bad in excess, and it was necessary for a while to establish a balance between what is good and that is bad.

So, our present is no exception. In an earthquake killed hundreds of thousands.
left without homes and damaged millions, and politics (the economy) do not care! She moves through the corpses, misery and disaster. It seems that everybody understands, if the crash occurred, then Western and "civilian" countries need to help the injured State. Money and drugs, and the rescuers. But nobody thought that the Haitians will save United States Marine Corps.
Latest news bulletin:

-To parse the rubble at the crash site were sent to the U.S. armed forces: 3500 soldiers and 2200 Marines
-Prime Minister of Haiti, Jean-Max Bellerive signed a memorandum of transfer of control over the airport of the capital Port-au-Prince United States, said deputy State Department spokesman PJ Crowley.
-Russian IL-86 loaded with humanitarian weight for 3 days waiting for the permission of the American command for the landing at the airport of the capital of Haiti.
-President of the United States, Barack Obama has not denied the information that by week's end the number of soldiers the U.S. Air Force in Haiti will be 16000 people.

What do we have? At the crash site sent ARMED soldiers, called the Marines who are not versed in rescue work, and aircraft loaded with humanitarian aid for 3 days waiting for permission? Strange You Democrats!
Do not you think that the U.S., forgetting about moral values, take a moment to "humanitarian" to redeem Haiti's own dollars? Do not you think that the U.S. will place its troops there until such time as they want? No? then read the following message Deputy Spokesman U.S. State Department:

"... Of course, we will bear this responsibility as much as it will be necessary and until such time as the Government of Haiti will not be able to once again take control of themselves ". (http://eco.rian.ru/business/20100116/204747250.html)
And when the Haitian government be able to re- take control themselves? The Government of Haiti, ever, but the U.S. government, oh I'm sorry, Haiti, may for a long time to take responsibility for brotherly with America country.

And another thought, Haiti, in particular the airport of the capital Port-au-Prince, is at arm's length from the Cuban-Chief U.S. enemies in LA. Not for nothing, I started writing my message to indicate the geographical location of Haiti.

This article was written I January 21 2010go, and published on the website www.nstarikov.ru ( http://nstarikov.ru/club/3711 ). It took the whole 9 months and began to spread news about what is distributed in Haiti The cholera epidemic:

  • "The death toll of the epidemic of cholera which broke out in Haiti after more than nine months after the devastating earthquake reached 295 people, Reuters reported with reference to the health authorities of the country "- RiaNovosti
  • " Spain sent Tuesday, Haiti's first plane with humanitarian and medical aid to fight cholera epidemic, according to a communique issued on Tuesday Press Service English Agency for International Development Cooperation. "
  • " France is preparing to send to Haiti, where the epidemic Cholera has killed more than 250 people, emergency medical mission, said on Monday the agency AFP citing the statement by the official representative of the French Foreign Minister Bernard Valero. "

seems to be nothing special. There was an accident, killed Hundreds of thousands of people. On health and social situation of people who survived and I'm not saying ... It seems to be the way it should be. But the paradox is that the focus of the epidemic located in the north, where there are almost no damage and casualties from the devastating earthquake ...
And how to explain it? I think it will be interesting to read the statement President of Haiti:
"Haitian President Rene Preval, is convinced that the cholera virus was brought from the outside. He was described as" absolutely irresponsible "statements about that the epidemic originated in the country. In neighboring Dominican Republic, which is located on the same island, not yet recorded any case of Cholera.
Préval says that his state was subjected to a biological attack in order to completely destabilize the already extremely difficult situation. At the moment local authorities have been able to stop the spread of cholera.
In January this year, experts announced that as a result of numerous deaths due to strong earthquakes should expect the spread of various infectious diseases. But the focus of Cholera found not where he predicted the emergence of epidemiologists. The virus appeared in the north of the island - in areas hardly hit by the January earthquake. "
What is this statement? Just so? President of the country from the air took and started talking about how the epidemic is" customized "character? I do not think anyone who is, but the president of any country, will not throw in words. While knowing that his every word in this situation will be covered WORLD Media ...

Then go a compilation of pictures from Haiti, made this week. Please sensitive to people not to watch:

What's this? What do you think about this? If it were not statements by the President of Haiti, the point in discussing the theme of cholera (in a political context) would not exist. But it has and seeks to ensure that people have heard about it ...

Who and Why? What you have a version?


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