[Terrorist Attack in Chechnya. Caucasus. Meeting in Deauville]
yesterday in Chechnya was attacked militants in the parliament, in which killed 3 people. In principle, the terrorist attacks in the North Caucasus is now not surprise anyone. There, terrorist attacks occurred, occur and will occur because that the country is trying to undermine through the region. The fact there are many objective and subjective reasons. First, the illiterate held Chechen campaign 90s. The social situation in the region. The mentality of the indigenous population, different religion and many many other factors.
But the last time it was made very much in order to cure this region ... Many want this: Russians living in other regions of Russia and the authorities North Caucasian republics, and the very people of this complex region.
What was done to stabilize the situation in the UK, in Chechnya, in particular?
Well, for example, were built all the schools destroyed during the war. Grozny is now on statistics is one of the safest cities in Russia.
resumed pumping and selling oil at the expense of which replenishes the regional budget. And in general, everything is a statistic ... You just need to talk to those people who swirling in the pot and then everything will fall into place.
I think nobody would argue about what was better or worse in Chechnya over the past 10 years. should go there and look at all the eyes, to talk with government officials, civilians and realize that people are happy, and once people are satisfied, then who blows up and kills?
I belong to that category of people who believe that terrorist organizations can not exist without the support of intelligence services of certain countries. Everything is beneficial. All beneficial to the other state has been the lever by which to resolve certain issues. For example, Armenia, in some part, funded by the Kurdish Workers Party. The question is why? Where is Armenia, where the PKK ... But then the other account ... Turkey is opposed to Armenia and Azerbaijan funds diversion, therefore Armenia stands "for the PKK ...
Likewise, throughout the world. Only there is one, but Big difference. You can use terrorism, sabotage as a weapon of attacking, as do the United States, Britain, Israel, etc. (The September 11 attacks, terror attacks in the Moscow subway, terrorist attacks in Tajikistan), and you can use the same tools for other purposes, in order to respond to the aggressor, so that he could not do what he wants and how much wants!
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- "Why detonated underground in Moscow?" I guess that's why ... " - http://sergeypolitnews.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post_6244.html
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- " Tajikistan is on fire from Afghanistan " - http://sergeypolitnews.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post_07.html
- "supported by Russia terrorist attacks in Tajikistan? " - http://sergeypolitnews.blogspot.com/2010/10/blog-post_19.html
Why in this day it happened in Chechnya, why not just a car exploded, and was an attack on one of the branches of government? Replies can
be a bit ...
But I think that my answer has the right to exist.
It all happened on the day in France, leaders of both countries locomotives of Europe met with Medvedev. At these meetings the questions that are not very pleasant for the U.S. and its allies.
"In the course of tripartite negotiations the sides exchanged views on the future architecture European security. In particular, they talked about the development Treaty on European security.
touched theme of Russia's relations with the European Union, including Russian-German initiative of forming Committee EU-Russia on foreign and security policy at ministerial level, and Nicolas Sarkozy's proposal to establish single space in the economic and security between Russia and the European Union. "- http://news.kremlin.ru/news/9286
known that the United States vehemently opposed the proposal Medvedev on the new structure of European security, which is not surprising. After all, they are all happy ...
What does the creation of the Committee of the Russia-EU? Convergence of positions on the basis of frequent talks at ministerial level. It also does not like America, but what can I say, no one will like it when your enemy begins to start friendship with your dog, gradually wants to get out from under the tutelage ..
In general, what do you think about this? What is the version? Why that day? Such actions, just as no plans ... They have a clear goal.
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