[Murder Yegor Sviridov. Unrest at the Manege Square. Murder of a fan of Spartak. World Cup 2018]
Well what ... Nothing remains but to try to analyze what has happened lately. The origin is killing Sviridov-fan Spartacus. I do not I'll write someone was killed Sviridov, not because we have under the Constitution there is such a thing as a "presumption of innocence, but because I personally do not fully sure whether all of the way we tell the media (the media, there is no trust, nor should be)!
Well what ... Nothing remains but to try to analyze what has happened lately. The origin is killing Sviridov-fan Spartacus. I do not I'll write someone was killed Sviridov, not because we have under the Constitution there is such a thing as a "presumption of innocence, but because I personally do not fully sure whether all of the way we tell the media (the media, there is no trust, nor should be)!
Let's first look at the ethnographic map of Russia. Indicators of cards is not based on 2010 Census figures, but, in general, give us a general picture (for viewing maps in a large amount, just click on it)
and what we see? And we see that Russia, a multinational country! All strategic territory, for the most part, occupy the representatives of non-Russian nationalities. Due to which replenishes the budget of the Russian Federation, mainly? Due to the natural resources of-right. Where are Russia's natural resources? In Moscow and Moscow region? Or may be in Samara?
What we said The Constitution of the Russian Federation on this issue? Here's what:
We, multinational people of the Russian Federation , coupled common destiny on their land, claiming human rights and freedoms, civil peace and accord, preserving historically state unity, on the basis of universally recognized principles of equality and self determination of peoples, honoring the memory of ancestors , conveyed to us the love and respect for the Fatherland, belief in the goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the firmness of its democratic basis, striving to ensure well-being and prosperity of Russia, proceeding from the responsibility for our Fatherland before present and future generations, recognizing ourselves as part of the world community, accept the Constitution.
I almost always viewed news from the political point of view. What is politics? -It's the economy. What is the housekeeper? - It's money. What is money in the system of international and even of human relationships? - It's all!
what they want from Russia during its history? And in time the Russian Empire, and during the Soviet era and during the RF? And they want one-subordination and providing SERVICES services for more "developed" countries in the world. If someone has any doubts, it would suggest reading the book, written by one of the chief ideologues of the modern Anglo-Saxon politicians Brzezinski. I will not go. How, for centuries, Russia was strong?
- Territory
- Natural resources
From these two points move away dozens of sub-items, which every man for himself knows.
What was weak Russia?
- Multinationality (not existed and there is no monolithic society)
- frequent changes of government, which by different methods, "offered" us the Western world and which acted for his "sponsor"
We remember the Soviet Union. What was then? Is the territory was no longer, hence the population? Is it not the people lived peacefully and calmly, believing that they are brothers and sisters? Lived!
And it all started? How does it suddenly all became different? All together in the early 90's wanted live separately from their own brothers and sisters? This does not happen just like that! Here we need special techniques. It is necessary to provoke ethnic conflict, which began to show that "we are not brothers and sisters." What are we different, and for this, it would be better if we lived together. Well, it was possible MI (underneath each must understand his) to reduce and divide the USSR. And, I almost forgot, the policy of a country adhered to and adheres to the formula of "divide and conquer"? You're right, England (Anglo-Saxon world as a whole).
Did they make this "grand leap forward 'by using one of the weaknesses that I listed above, often change of government, which thinks of those who promoted there. This "power" was Gorbachev, and later EBN-Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin. Gorbachev even talk about I will not feel sorry even move his fingers on the keyboard by typing its name. But bring just-only one Today's news, "Representatives of the coalition of democratic forces "For Russia without tyranny and corruption" are in talks about joining her ex-Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev said at a news conference on Monday one of the leaders of the coalition Vladimir Ryzhkov, "))))) me laugh))
What happened in the 90 to Chechnya, from where the money went and People in Chechnya, why do the video killing of Russian and Russian soldiers, too, will not speak. You know it yourself. At the very least, a majority.
Okay, go to the most topical theme today - murder Sviridov and what has happened and will happen.
What happened? It is said that on the 6th of five Caucasians beaten and killed by the Russian (!) Spartak fans. Only, somehow, no one says that among the battered people and friends Yegor Sviridov was also a fan of Spartak - An Armenian natsionalnosti.I what is it? Again, we believe that struck and killed on a national basis? The question arises as to why this incident want to make an example of ethnic hatred? "Who wants to do it, who benefits? Personally, my opinion is such that the deep roots come from abroad, but direct stems are in Russia itself. More ...
And anything that among those who beat the crowd and tried to kill were Russian guys are friends of those of Caucasians. Together they gathered to celebrate the birthday of one of the guys, and somehow turned out at the Manege Ploschadi.-Smotra.ru
collapse of Russia wants to not understanding. But for them, others think ...
As the saying goes, "He had his opinions but the opinions of others is not taken into account without his consent"
Russian guy. Each Caucasians. Or is he too has not Russian for those who have been there? In a word, filth and all!
Stalin did not win, Hitler did not lose. All the way around! Near the Kremlin and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier scumbags and filth thrown Zighu
Check out the video where they were beaten. The crowd were, but defended each other ...
you are confident that the murderer is someone who were detained? Where is it? This is because of this reported on ORT and has been written in RiaNovosti? Media is a tool and as a handyman for his government. If you think that the murderer is exactly who was detained, then tell me and often it is here in Moscow within hours after the street fights and killings arrested Once all of the crime together? I understand that you very strongly believe in the professionalism of the Russian police, but ... Well one would be caught, second, but five of the same together! They are following the assassination in the same place with his company waited for a bus? AS POSSIBLE, almost immediately after the murder arrest fifth of people allegedly involved in it TOGETHER? I do not understand? IS WOULD GET? Yes, they would have gone every which could, and FIG someone would find them in Moscow! Okay, this question I can not cope, and now there vtoroy.Vo Second, often here in Moscow after an hour or two set free 4-members killing of 5? And do not tell me about corruption! It exists, yes! But no one can kill a man in Moscow, and the fifth a few hours already be on the loose! There is no such corruption in Russia! Are you in Somalia, a look, though, that they say "corruption ratings" about Russia? Where is it located? Somewhere between Namibia and Somalia!) And where are the head offices these "corruption agencies? Not in London, Brussels or Washington? And by whom they were created and where funding is not from the State Department's accident? Next ... On what grounds left in custody is it? Maybe they killed five, may be a loaded gun, the other passed, and Tertius - fired. Why should let them go? Who - that called? (So firmly blind) is what should have been "back" to one phone call let go of people who participated in the murder? I understand it would be released from the courtroom, well, a month or two, but not an hour later the same! This, in momemu opinion, unrealistic.
If the murderer one who is detained, then let it sit for a long time. Only now those who have relatives to such an extent "Great people, that after the murder IMMEDIATELY can bring your family, here are people on the bus do not ride and walk do not walk!
then began excitement, yet on December 7? After "just because" was released the fourth. It is a natural reaction of normal people, when, out of view, the killers are released, they begin to protest. And who protested at the time? Look at the YouTube video December 7th.
Okay, we have more? Before that there were no murders Caucasians of Russian and vice versa? Were! Summer was not killed by yet another fan? Was, and where there were disturbances? Why is no one to throw and smash Omon Zighi front of the monument "Eternal Fire".
you thought about whether it was SO much a fan of how it represent? Yes and where does one more word fan? Show me a young man in Russia who do not simpotiziruet of a team and if you want someone you can not "make" fan! Why is summer there was no such excitement? Because it did not need them! And now Russia has won the right on FM 2018, at a time when Britain and the U.S. have lost. At a time when British Prime Minister did not even bother to congratulate Russia on the victory! At a time when Britain and the U.S. are beginning to accuse FIFA and its chapter of corruption, while This "independent" project WikiLeaks also loads the "secret" information that in Fifa there is a huge network of corruption that runs on "some group of persons ".
early as Thursday-Friday I read an article in the Western English-language newspapers, which said that Russia was not able to provide safety of fans 2018. And that may be, it makes sense to arrange a rerun of Law of the World Cup in 2018 ... That these sentiments, and immediately publish the "independent" newspaper ...
There is no food for thought? Then my condolences to you!
about riding say something concrete will not be there and so it is clear that all provoked. All members of the Football Supporters say that among them were the provocateurs. If in doubt, then, again just watch the video all the events and find people in masks who call coordinated action of different groups "of people." Want more time to see how kindled ethnic strife? How to provoke and make it out of thin air? Then see the next picture, which is actively spreading vKontakte:
The purpose of all this is to destabilize Russia with the help of "inciting ethnic hatred." This izdyublenny welcome and very effective, because there is currently no national policy. In a country where more than 150 nations and nationalities, which live and develop representatives all religious faiths, does not exist even a permanent commission! Yes, in me, even the Ministry of need! So you need to think about it, the time has come, and even long time. In the 90 does not before that was in the early 2000's, too, but you have to think about it a little earlier!
About the national component of the situation, I will not speak. Everyone has their own ideas and opinions, just say one thing. I hope everyone will understand what I think ...
- Murder is a sin in all religions
- by the laws of all countries around the world, murder is a crime that is severely punishable
- offender must go to jail!
- Article 282 of inciting ethnic hatred, no one has canceled. Waiting for criminal cases related to Sept. 11
- Russia-diverse country, with all attendant pluses and minuses
Another "coincidence". 15th number will be "answering" the reaction is of Caucasian youth! It turns out that the mechanism of running it as a "perpetual motion". Myself and my friends also named, but I will not go! Because no such truth-how to beat a man only because of the fact that he was born elsewhere. Because, by passing Russian or Caucasian is not to blame for the fact that Russian was killed and wanted to kill, almost broke a few Caucasians at the Manege Square. Personally, I do not want to be a pawn in someone else's game!
Another question, why on the 15th? We, the Caucasians-hot people, why not just on the 12th number? Okay, it was increased. Why can not the 13th, 14,16 namely 15th? That someone just decided so? I doubt it! In contact were immediately established the group, calling come on the 15th of December, they are a matter of hours by tens of thousands of people! It's like, kako1 a student decided to create a group and have collected more than USD 70 thousand people in it for a few hours? I doubt too! I think this is a provocation! Definitely! Only now whose is it? Dirty and disgusting, "the opposition", funded from the capitals our "friends", or the current government?
In principle, it is advantageous to both. Only in different doses. TAM would like more blood, and here, just hype. Now, from my point of view, explain why.
JUST 15th (!) December begins reading verdict in the second process of Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev.
I support the arrest of Khodorkovsky, I think SPECIFIC ITEMS accusations false, but the reason for his arrest is quite different. And she justifies such behavior of the authorities (the highest)!
So, to begin on the 15th of the "assembly" Caucasians will again be some small provocation would be hype, which can overshadow the Sentencing Khodorkovsky. That's so, so, too, in my opinion, maybe.
Another funny news and this will end:
Ex-Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky on Monday was awarded the medal in Berlin Dr. Rainer Hildebrandt for human rights activities, reported Agence France-Presse.According to the agency, an honorary award presented Khodorkovsky's mother authorized for Rights of the Government of Germany Markus Lehning. He noted that the trial of a businessman accused in a major theft of oil, is a "political character "
If at least one percent of the population thinks so, then came an end to Russia!" means "they" beat us! "So we, as said Brzezinski, "black spot" and "warehouse for civilized nations"
used was "Forward RUSSIAN" and now "GO RUSSIAN" Who needs it? What is it, for whom it is addressed U.S.!
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