[Ethnic rozn.Medvedev. Direct Line Putin. Ekstremizm.11 December Manege Square. Dec. 15 TC "European"]
recent events, which attract the attention of every normal person is events associated with the murder of "fan Spartak Yegor Sviridov. What happened after that? After that there were riots at the Manege Square, provocative statements and appeals on the Internet, "assembly" of people, originally from the Caucasus at the World Trade Center "European".
about what I think at the expense of everything going on, I wrote in the article: "So," Russian forward "or" Forward Russia "? choose you!"
In the same article, I would like to touch on the political side of this question. With that being said, what has been done by the leaders of our country (I do not mean only the representatives of the Tandem-although the main ones they are).
And so what happened at the Manege Square? Someone says, people acted against lawlessness, someone said, it was a provocation from the beginning to end. I do not agree, with none of the opinions!
I think the first people came out to show the government is releasing the "criminals". But it's time to use the nationalist and radical movements and, therefore, "protest" turned into riots in violation of many articles Russian criminal and administrative law! Let's talk in terms of legality. Which required going? Compliance with the law? Yes! And what made yourself? First, the rally was not authorized! Second, the calls were a radical nature. That is, there were people (crowd control), which pushed half drunken crowd to nationalist and illegal actions.
how to respond to this power? First, NO!
Who is the mayor? Sobyanin? I doubt it! Where he was, he did not come out to the crowd, did not speak on television, said not a word! And what does this mean? The fact that this chapter is no place in leadership positions at this level. After all, in your town there are riots, inciting inter-ethnic strife, which may cause a wave of those situations that directly threaten the integrity of the State, the head of the capital where you are! After all, you can also make AT LEAST on TV! And the fact that he is in 3 days, just before a meeting of some kind, said a few words about it changes nothing! This is the first step of our mayor, who I strongly do not like!
that he spoke of the other officials who are directly responsible for everything that happens in Russia?
First, let's hear Rashid Nurgaliyev - Interior Minister:
What's he saying?
And he said that the assassin was detained by Sviridov and other members of the group "What groups? You have that spirit collapsed? It turns out that my friends and I is group? Ivan Ivanov, with his company-group? Brad full!
What he says about the 11 December? Well, nothing really! Said that it was only-ONLY Unauthorized action.
says that to the fans Spartak
"joined the radical left molodezh.Oni provoked, and they, Indeed, incited to mass struggles, including collisions, resulting in the internal affairs bodies, the staff, specifically, have departed stones. There are today 13 people are transported to medical facilities ".
Sorry of course, Comrade Nurgaliyev. But what about the incitement of ethnic discord? And what about all there vile and unworthy of human hearing slogans? And what about these guys here, which even your SWAT was unable to properly protect it?
Or is this not considered? Or do not need to punish those who attacked people and beat them, those who incited ethnic strife, which is written in your Constitution! Or we have a principle of "lynching"? That is an offense on the one hand entitles the other party with impunity commit a crime?
Or do you wait until the top will give the head to begin work?
What happened after Nurgalieva? Nothing much was detained about 60 of provocateurs and ordinary pawns, took them to the department, was drawn up and released the next morning, "Walk yourself on Russian soil, to destroy what was built by our grandfathers, throw ridge near the monument to the eternal flame. And we will detain you, write something and release "
" On the eve of the police department had been delivered 65 participants unsanctioned protest at the Manege Square. Currently, all of them - after drawing up protocols of Administrative Offences - released "-rian
We know that we have a clear chain of command. Nurgaliyev said that it was just Unauthorized action, here and detained them, have drawn up as participants in an unsanctioned rally and sent home.
What did President and the Prime Minister?
President, the next day said the same thing in this spirit. Like, the ringleaders must be punished, because the action was unauthorized, that do not give anyone the right to violate the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc. That the perpetrators of the murder Sviridov should be punished with the utmost rigor of the law. I agree with all of this, only here's something, it seems, the president has forgotten. He forgot about the article 282, he forgot that the "rally" shouted nationalist slogans, he forgot that demanded the repeal of section 282-inciting ethnic hatred. He forgot that the seven children-four Caucasian and 3 Russian, who were friends were beaten by a drunken and unruly crowd. He forget that the crowd attacked the representatives of law enforcement, who "tried" to reassure someone. He forgot that all WHEN AND OBJECTIVITY could and should be classified as a criminal offense! And to be precise, he has not forgotten, he knew all this, except that, for some reason said about this later, well Day 3 was too late ...
We still remember the vertical of power ...
What did Vladimir Putin? NOTHING! He said nothing about the current situation, pointedly distancing from it. For what he did, for whatever reason, known only to him. There is certainly an assumption, but it's all-just, assumptions ...
Putin has not uttered a single word to a straight line with the people.
And so, all, like, ended happily for those provocateurs who совершили беспорядки,избили многих людей,дестабилизировали ситуацию в Москве и в России,в общем. Если бы все осталось и закрылось так,то я перестал бы look, listen, read news and interested in politics. But even then I very much liked the reaction of Medvedev and Putin at the events that took place a few days ago! I can not understand why you need to wait a few days ... Can then be understandable, but now, somehow, muddy all ...
Okay, go the statements of the participants "tandem" and the subsequent reactions ...
quote from the full speech of the President:
- "Responsibility for such actions should be criminal rather than administrative"
- "This kind of uncoordinated activities should be strictly tolerated "
- " Massacres, fights, vandalism - all this crime. I emphasize - this is not the administrative offenses and crimes. Their members should be going to jail. They should be planted, not educate. Parenting is applicable to other persons "
- " Responsibility should attack regardless of where the this event, and regardless of place of residence of any wrongdoing - and Muscovites and visitors from other places. And southern sites, and the northern "
- " With those who wear masks, do not communicate properly. They are what they wore? They are going to celebrate the new year? Mask for this event - it is a sign of participation in a gang. They need to "pack" for the full program - all because someone went "
- " Such crimes should be appropriately qualified and draw appropriate punishment. If these penalties are inadequate under the existing criminal law, make me a proposal "
He also stated that inciting ethnic hatred should be classified as gravest crime:
- "Such crimes should be appropriately qualify and attract appropriate penalties. If these penalties are inadequate under the existing criminal law, make me Proposition "
- " Somewhere in other countries it can slip through. We did not slip. With us, you know how many nations. And how important religious component "
He also gave a purpose Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs and other competent people to investigate the events, to punish perpetrators to the fullest extent of the law and report to him about it. I totally agree. If the killer Aslan Cherkesov, then he should go to jail for as long as required legislation. But at the same time, the penalty shall bear all instigators and organizers of the nationalist "meeting" at Manezhke.
- "Ministry of Internal Affairs, Investigations Committee, the prosecution must take all necessary steps to prosecute those who committed crimes, all of whom have sufficient evidence. And those who committed the murder of a fan, all you need to install, to investigate and imprison. And to deal with those investigators, who let the guilty "
- "They did what?" Frightened? For money? In any case, we know what it's called "
- " Finding your way to and from those who have denounced and fought in Moscow and in other place on Saturday and later. Try to install all the names, use the recording from a camcorder, testimony and other evidence "
Someone will argue with the above statements? If so, bye! Pick up the mouse pointer in the upper right corner of the window and click on the icon "X". I hate when something I write, read, people with logic and biased opinion!
now turn to the statements of the Prime Minister regarding this issue:
What did the prime minister? And what I expected, albeit belatedly, he had to speak a little bit earlier ...
Here we saw what at first incomprehensible, then Objective and dignity, with respect to any criminals, was the reaction of our leaders.
Remember, even when on the 11th was arrested and immediately released more than 60 people? And what happened after the announcement of Medvedev and Putin?
Oh, what should happen still on the 11th of
Russian Prosecutor General's Office will check all criminal cases involving crimes committed in the inter-ethnic at the Manege Square in Moscow.
"On behalf of the Attorney General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika will be checked all criminal cases of crimes committed on ethnic grounds ".
" The General Prosecutor's Office took over the investigation 22 criminal cases filed for the most active participants in mass demonstrations at the Manege Square in Moscow for violating public order and causing bodily harm citizens ".
Remember our Minister of Internal Affairs? What did he say and what to highlight the key points?" And now, there are differences?
I'm only one I do not understand, must give top on the head to the bottom of the stir? And why now, no meetings and gatherings against the fact that most offenders released on December 11 administrativke?Law authorities filed 20 criminal cases on the riots in downtown Moscow on December 11, arrested one of the organizers, said Thursday the head of Russian Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev
"establish a group of individuals who have been actively involved in criminal conduct on December 11. Among them one of the founders - some Ilya Kubrakov. Nurgaliyev said that, according to the investigation December 11, this young man through a megaphone called for illegal actions, shouting slogans relevantThe next day along with nine associates, he committed the murder of a citizen of Kyrgyzstan. Currently detained two members of this crime. "
What is your opinion? What is Russia going in the future, if there is no strict control from the state over niatsonalisticheskimi groups, the media, in the sense that through them from spreading and promoted nationalist ideas. Normal receiver in any media not to name the nationality of criminals! What sense do it? from this that something is changing? Of this crime is becoming more? Offender corrected or what?
When leaving comments please answer my question:
you for the slogan "Russian forward" or "Russia Forward!
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