[WikiLeaks.Materialy WikiLeaks. Asandzh.]
you're not tired of VikiLiks words? Personally, I assotsiruetsya words with the word Lego. Lego designers can not build one all at once. This design-mnogohodovka. That is, we must build a first level, then the second, third, etc.
Likewise with VikiLiksom. This is a project-mnogohodovka. What do I mean?
In my opinion, the project WikiLeaks created by those whom he "criticized". Word of criticism, I deliberately took in quotation marks. Let me explain ...
Just answer my questions, I'll give:
- What kind of secret documents that threaten U.S. security, have been published?
- What was done to prevent further publication?
- What steps the U.S.?
Nothing, they are across the globe ahead of everyone, including us, were active in diplomacy, in violation of all international norms and laws, including violation of the law of Thailand, took him to the United States. What does this mean? This suggests that states can protect themselves and their own security, if them at this point it is necessary. My articles about Bout:
U.S. sent an aircraft carrier crew for the Booth in 6000. And you weak?
And what about WikiLeaks-om? Oh, nothing ... For more than half a year, he published "Sensitive" materials in the context which needed America and its soyuznikam.A states sit idly by. No large-scale hacker attacks, to bring the failure site, no investigation, no arrests. Nothing. After all, let's think this way. If the documents are at the WikiLeaks, then Assandzh or they received from the "Government" or stolen. If, in the words "government", they have nothing to do with, so Assandzh stole them. And if there is a fact of theft, then where criminal deal? Where the ad wanted America? Not under the pretext of "rape", and under severe ...
What materials were the most ambitious? These were materials, so-called "Iraqi dossier." What are they talking about? There mentions the death of 110,000 people, half of them - civilians; 24 000 victims identified as opponents, more than 15,000 - as representatives of the "host" that is, the Iraqi military, and 3,7 thousand - "friendly" Loss (U.S. military).
What, is commendable. The whole world is talking about a million civilian casualties, and WikiLeaks publishes "secret" materials on the just-only 110tys civilians killed ...
recent publication of diplomatic correspondence is also nothing wrong with the U.S. has not brought, but good. Now explain. Immediately followed the publication of an OSCE summit in Astana, which brought together world leaders. So what? Oh, nothing, none of them spoke out against the United States or against U.S. diplomats have been no scandals, no tantrums ... All everybody understands ...
Now let's talk about what makes this project The United States? Hence, in my opinion, such a scheme: project "criticizes the U.S. and publishes the" secret "documents, thereby creating an aura of independence and honesty. At present, 7 out of 10 people with whom I communicate on this topic, unequivocally believe the materials published by this site. Hence the project progresses. But let's talk about the fact that not all of us know English and did not read all the sources of information. More recently, Russian Reporter magazine, won the right to publish documents WikiLeaks in Russian translation. But the fact is that there is not the entire text of the documents. They cut down to size.
So, create a project that will continue to believe most people of our planet ... And then what, you ask. Although it is easy to guess, but all the same, I say:
scandalous Internet site Wikileaks, specializing in the dissemination of classified information, plans to collect and publish classified material in Russia and China.
According to the assistant site founder Christine Hrafnsona, "Russian readers learn a lot new things about my country. " Even at the start of the project its founder Julian Assandzh reported that its main target will be Russia, China and Central Asia. Now the Russian section of the site does not contain any sensitive information.
That's the whole point of this project! The main targets are geopolitical rivals Anglo-Saxon world, Russia and China! Right now, if WikiLeaks publish material, which states that in Moscow Bears walk down the street, while in China, dragons are used by people instead of cars, half the world believes in it ... And what they say, WikiLeaks is an independent, he also "Criticized" and "denounced" the very mother-America! Hence it is not pro-American, he pronicheyny!
anyone doubts the awareness Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin? Somebody thinks he's pro-American or non-informed man? I think that is unlikely ...
Now, let's honor of Larry King interview with Putin:
L. King: What do you think the release of the group WikiLeaks military and political correspondence, their leakage?
Vladimir Putin: Some experts believe that WikiLeaks someone special "inflate." "Inflates" the credibility of this site, then to use it in some of their political purposes. This is one of the options, and it is the opinion of experts, and we also covered. I think that if this not so, then this suggests that the diplomacy needed to closely monitor their documents. Such leaks visited before, and in earlier times. There is no catastrophe, I do not see this.
What's your opinion? What do you think about this project? Why was it created and elegant PR? Important to me Your opinion, to compose a picture.
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