Sunday, December 26, 2010

What Does Natalie Morales Earn

What? Where? When? Elections in Belarus, the ratification of the START Treaty, Direct Line Medvedev

[Elections and rallies in Belarus. Ratification by the U.S. Senate START treaty. Direct Line Dmitry Medvedev]
turbulent week was for me, and therefore could not write a blog ... So let's go back to the old practice ...

this week happened many events that had great political significance. Well, firstly, that the presidential elections in Belarus and "an attempt to" color "revolution." Secondly, it ratification of the START treaty the U.S. Senate. Thirdly, has recently been a straight line with President Medvedev.

In this article, I briefly outlined its position on the above issues:

1. Election of the President of Belarus and the "attempt" color revolution ".

Does anyone doubt that the election of Lukashenko will win? I have no such doubt about it. Well, first of all, people are more or less supports it, and secondly, such an outcome was necessary for Russia, and thirdly, the opposition, as such, does not was!

What percentage of won Lukashenko? About 80% ... Okay, ready to accept the fact that the fraud had been somewhere that someone trash, but the essence itself has not changed! Well, it would be without the schlock of 75% or what? What is the difference between us? The idea is that the majority of the population supports his name. Russia is understandable and "nice", that is, it is necessary. Indeed, Lukashenko is unequivocally pro-Russian politician, and all these "quarrel" is, total-only game. This is a role that Lukashenko is WONDERFUL. After all, the man who is a traitor, he betrayed once, and are not afraid of her betraying Russia for more than 18 years ...
On the subject of Belarus, I wrote a few posts:

Belarus Russia is calling on the Pacific Ocean?

And now let's move on to action "opposition."
I initially despise those people and those parties which, going to the polls, even to them say that whatever the outcome, they do not agree with them that whatever the outcome, they come out with their "allies" on the street to protest. So "honorable" opposition, if not agree with the elections, if in advance provoking Unrest and uncoordinated collection, so do not go to the polls! What do want? Samopiara? So let's think: Are you going to go to the store to buy sausages. Get out of the entrance to go into a supermarket and starts screaming with laughter, that is stale sausage shop that sell it much more expensive than in other places that your rights are violated in this institution ... BUT anyway, goes buy the sausage, and then immediately into the streets with the slogans "Down with the store manager!

How you can be treated? Neighbors say that you or the patient pishiotricheskoy hospital or a relative of the owner of other shops, which need to sell their SAUSAGE ...

What happened after the election? Some sort of "opposition" took to the streets, flanked by "protesters" were ambassadors of some countries, public Specifically, it was not said, but our Foreign Ministry, said something about it. Then he stormed the government building. There are two versions: 1. It was triggered by misdirected Cossack by Lukashenko. To give the authorities reason to disperse the crowd. 2. The opposition looking color scheme of the revolution, decided to go on this way. And the government decided to disperse all, what has all this was quite normal and LEGAL!

Whichever version was not correct, I will accept this option! Because even Clausewitz said that the affairs of state above cases, the individual.

2. The ratification of the START treaty by the Senate USA.

One question. Why the Russian media, which should protect the interests of Russia, so strongly and persistently promote this event and silent for amendment resolutions, which SENATE gave the same START treaty? That for the amendments in general, how do they relate to the contract? Official documents and text-ratified treaty yet, so you have to settle for indirect sources and information.
say yes not just in the yard of her grandmother, and information portal, journalists, politicians, that the essence of American corrections is that they negates the very idea of \u200b\u200ba treaty. That is, if you follow the logic of the amendments, the START and ABM is different things and signing the START treaty and ratified it, the U.S. will have the right to build their missile defense system beyond national borders. And this, excuse me, contrary to original position of the Russian Federation. About it directly, said Foreign Minister, Lavrov said.
He said that in the contract a clause that gives the right of either party to terminate ratification process, if there are circumstances which would be contrary to national security policy. He also said that the gap between START and ABM-this is contrary to Russian national security policy.

So, let's not consider this matter closed, it will still have consider ... I wish that the treaty was ratified by our side ...

3. Straight line with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

Nothing new ... The lyrics ...
interest were questions about Serdyukov, the freedom of the press, Luzhkov and several others.

What do you think about these events? Will interested to know your position ...

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